Showing all 17 results

Activating and Energising the Back through Hip and Shoulder Movements in Various Asanas (Beginner Level)


We activate and energise the back body through hip and shoulder movements, in supine and standing asanas.  A good session to restart practice after a break.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 45min.

Tagwords: 45min, back, spine, restart, standing, multiple asana categories,  supta padangusthasana2

Activating and Energising the Back through Hip and Shoulder Movements in Various Asanas (Intermediate Level)


We activate and energise the back body through hip and shoulder movements, through various categories of asanas.  A good session to restart practice after a break.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, back, spine, restart, props, supported, standing, multiple asana categories

Dandasana Part2: Taking the L-Shape Upside Down to Connect Arms, Legs, Spine and Abdomen


Dandasana is one of the foundational seated positions. But this seemingly simple position teaches us very important lessons about making connections between the limbs, and the spine and abdomen. In this session, we play with the ‘L’  shape of Dandasana in various orientations – in inversions, and even an arm balance.

This session maybe done stand-alone, but we recommend you do it in combination with the recording Urdhva Hasta Dandasana Part 1: Legs and Spine Connections

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, legs, spine, arms, shoulders, upper back, elbows, favorite, sports,  sirsasana, salamba sirsasana2, urdhva dandasana, uttanasana, pinca mayurasana, eka hasta bhujasana

Finding the Internal Resistance, Not Simply Arching Back


Intermediate level backward extension actions: finding the ‘resistance’ in the arching, connecting the heel to the buttocks while resisting with the buttocks.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75mins, backbends, back, spine, hips, favorite, back arches, urdhva dhanurasana, urdhva mukha svanasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana

Hips and Spine Movements to Complement Running/ Walking/ Sitting at Desk


Spinal movements, extension at the hip, and the use of ankles.  In addition to running and walking, these actions are also great to neutralise the effects of long hours of deskjob.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 75 min

Tagwords: 75min, running, walking, deskjob, hamstrings, spine, back, ankles, supine, standing, Supta padangusthasana1, Virabhadrasana1, chatuspadasana

Sacrum as the Fulcrum: Back Arches, Forward Extensions, Forward Extensions, Culminating in Viparita Karani


Back Arches, Forward Extensions, Forward Extensions, Culminating in a supported Viparita Karani

Duration: 90 mins.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This recording is part of the Short Course Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake  (Level: Intermediate), and  the Short Course Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake  (Level: Experienced Beginners and Gentle) Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: 90min, spine, lower back, hips, back arch, backbends, twists, abdominals, concave back, backward extensions, Dandasana, Supta padangusthasana, Jathara parivartanasana, Viparita karani

Sacrum as the Fulcrum: Transition From Back Arches to Forward Extensions


The sacrum as the fulcrum

Duration: 75 mins.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This recording is part of the Short Course Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake  (Level: Intermediate), and  the Short Course Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake  (Level: Experienced Beginners and Gentle)  Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: 75min, spine, lower back, hips, back arch, backbends, twists, concave back, backward extensions, Dandasana, Ubhaya padangusthasana, Utkatasana, Navasana

Spinal Segmentation: Working on the ‘Concave Back’ with Belt


A 2 hour session is in 3 parts, guaranteed to remove dullness and leave you energised, and maybe pleasantly tired.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 120min

Tagwords: 120min, standing, forward extension, spine, spinal segmentation, concave back

Strengthening Spinal Muscles in a Short-burst Follow-along Session


Strengthening the spinal muscles, connecting the arms to back – a short session comprising standing asanas and back arches.  It is meant to be a follow-along session.

Level: Experienced beginners, Beginners

Duration: 30min

Tagwords: 30mins, favorite, standing, back arches, backbends, dynamic, back, spine, short burst, utthita hasta padangusthasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana,parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana1, ustrasana, bhekasana

Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part1: Preparing with Standing Asanas, Basic Twists in Standing and Using Chair


Beginning with standing asanas, this session prepares the body by introducing the basic concepts of twists in simple seated and standing positions.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 120min.

This session is part of the Short Course Twisting Actions (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the full course.

Tagwords: 120min, arms, shoulders, spine, frozen shoulder, props, supported, chair, sports, standing, twists, paschima hasta, chair bharadvajasana

Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part2: Open, Closed, Supine and Inverted


Building up on the first part of this two-part series, This session explores the next level of complexity in twisting.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 150min.

This session is part of the Short Course Twisting Actions (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the full course.

Tagwords: 150min, arms, shoulders, spine, sports, props, supported, inversions, twists, handstand, adhomukha vrksasana, pinca mayurasana, headstand, sirsasana, parsvakonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana, maricyasana3, pasasana, supta padangusthasana3, parivrtta ekapada sirsasana, parsva halasana

Urdhva Hasta Dandasana Part 1: Legs and Spine Connections


Dandasana is one of the foundational seated positions. But this seemingly simple position teaches us very important lessons about making connections between the limbs, and the spine. These connections are lost with sedentary lifestyles, but they are often other physical exercises cannot establish them.

This session maybe done stand-alone, but we recommend you do it in combination with the recording Urdhva Hasta Dandasana Part2: Taking the L-Shape Upside Down to connect Arms, Legs, Spine and Abdomen

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 85mins

Tagwords: 85mins, legs, spine, arms, shoulders, weights, props, ropes, half handstand, favorite, sports,  yoga kurunta, paschima namaskara, paschima baddhahasta, dandasana, supta tadasana, setubandha sarvangasana

Viparita Karani Action in Inverted Positions


Exploration of the many Viparita Karani’s in Inverted positions

Duration: 90 mins.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This recording is part of the Short Course Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake  (Level: Intermediate),  Save by buying the whole Course

Tagwords: 90min, spine, lower back, hips, back arch, backbends, abdominals, Inversions, concave back, backward extensions, Viparita dandasana, Sirsasana, Parsva Sirsasana, Urdhva dandasana, Adhomukha vrksasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Viparita karani