Showing 1–24 of 76 results

A Consolidating Practice


A series of asanas done with focus on ones one sensitivity and responses.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 80min

Tagwords: 75min, standing, seated, arms, shoulders, hips, multiple asana categories, ardha chandrasana, janusirsasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana, 

Abdomen Use in Asana SHORT COURSE #1: More than Core (Level: Experienced Beginner)


A series of classes exploring the varied connections to and from the abdominal region.

Tagwords: abdominals, abdomen, core, abdominal toning, forward bends, forward  extensions, arms, shoulders, favorite, caturanga dandasana, chaturanga dandasana, Utkatasana, Virabhadrasana3, supta padangusthasana3, utthita hasta padangusthasana, supta padangusthasana1, supta padangusthasana2, parsvottanasana, prasarita padottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, Upavistakonasana, parsva upavistakonasana, supta virasana, supta baddhakonasana, setubandha sarvangasana

Abdomen Use in Asana SHORT COURSE #2: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Level: Intermediate)


The sessions in this Short Course move from dynamic movements of the arms and legs, while maintaining a stable and still abdomen, to steady holds, and then towards twists and balance and inversions challenge

Tagwords: abdomen, abdominals, core, favorite, utthita hasta padangusthasana, parsvottanasana, supta padangusthasana1, parivrtta trikonasana, urdhva prasarita padasana, navasana, supta padangusthasana3, parivrtta trikonasana, utkatasana, adhomukha vrksasana, full arm balance

Activating and Energising the Back through Hip and Shoulder Movements in Various Asanas (Beginner Level)


We activate and energise the back body through hip and shoulder movements, in supine and standing asanas.  A good session to restart practice after a break.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 45min.

Tagwords: 45min, back, spine, restart, standing, multiple asana categories,  supta padangusthasana2

Activating and Energising the Back through Hip and Shoulder Movements in Various Asanas (Intermediate Level)


We activate and energise the back body through hip and shoulder movements, through various categories of asanas.  A good session to restart practice after a break.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, back, spine, restart, props, supported, standing, multiple asana categories

Active Preparation Culminating in Quiet Seated Forward Extensions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)


This Short Course ends in long holds in seated forward extensions without any props.  The preparation for this is done with a certain theme that is introduced in the first session, and progressively re-inforced as well as refined to make the final experience rich.

Tagwords: arms, shoulders, hips, sports, favorite, breath,  dorsal thoracic, upper back, props, support, shoulder blades, scapulae, dorsal thoracic, upper back, forward extensions, lateral, side body, vasistasana, padahastasana, sarvangasana, janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardh padma paschimottanasana, ardhmatsyendrasana2, gomukhasana, paschima namaskara, upavistakonasana, parsvottanasana, utthitahasta padangusthasana, utkatasana,

Aligning and Strengthening Legs in Seated Positions


Options for gaining strength and intelligence in using the legs in supported seated and supine positions.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 45min

Tagwords: 45min, legs, thighs, hips, knees, props, supported, seated, supine, baddhakonasana, upavistakonasana, supta padangusthasana1, supta padangusthasana2, utthita hasta padangusthasana2

Arms: Strengthening, Lengthening, Squeezing


A short burst session to energise and strengthen the arms. Can be used by itself, or can be used as preparation for stronger arm actions like arm balances, inversions and back arches.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 40min

Tagwords: 40mins, arms, shoulders, sports,

Asana Understanding for a Healthy Back (Short Course, All levels)


These sessions are meant to give an understanding of healthy movements and actions for a strong and flexible back.

Tagwords: back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported, standing, trikonasana, virabhadrasana2, ardha chanrasana, supta padangusthasana1, adhomukha svanasana, parsvottanasana, pavan muktasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Virabhadrasana1, Virabhadrasana3, Utkatasana, Ardha Uttanasana

Back Health – Introduction: a FREE Resource


A subjective introduction to our back bodies, and the simplest do’s and don’ts.  This basic understanding is essential for everyone embarking on an asana practice with a sensitive back.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: All levels

Duration: 30min

Tagwords: 30mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported

Bringing Further Movement to the Groins


Introducing movement ( ‘mobilising’) into the Groin area, through a combination of active and passive actions and positions.

Duration: 90min, Level: experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This Recording is part of the Short Course Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Intermediate)  and  the Course Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Experienced Beginners and Gentle).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: Groins, Sports, sports injury, running, bicycling, sitting, driving, groin injury, squatting, adductors, inner thighs, standing asana, parsvottonasana, ardha chandrasana, upavistakonasana,

Connecting Hips to Heels


This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle).  You can save by renting the entire Course.

Tagwords: Supta padangusthasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana

Constructing and De-constructing Surya Namaskara (Short Course, Level Intermediate)


This set of 3 sessions breaks down the twelve steps of Surya namaskar, and then puts them together again.  Although absolute beginners may work with this Course, it does go into some of the finer points and nuances of each of the steps of Surya Namaskar, which might not make complete sense to Beginners.  People with shoulder. wrist and back weakness are advised caution. Some adaptations are shown to make it possible to work around these weaknesses without aggravating them.  Women during menstruation, pregnancy, people with stomach ailments, recent surgeries, heart conditions are advised to not pracitce Surya namaskar

Tagwords: Surya namaskar, hips, legs, arms, abdominals, favorite, shoulders, vinyasa, standing, chaturanga dandasana, Uttanasana, Adhomukha svanasana, inversions, Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Eka pada Sarvagasana

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana 1 (Short Course, Level – Experienced Beginner)


Virabhadrasana 1 is a basic standing asana with many moving parts. It has traces of forward extensions, backward arch and twist. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of Virabhadrasana 1 in this set of classes.

Tagwords: shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, seated, abdominals, back arch, lateral, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Utkatasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana 1 (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)


Virabhadrasana1 is a basic standing asana with many moving parts. It has traces of forward extensions, backward arch and twist. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of Virabhadrasana1 in this set of classes.

Tagwords: shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, seated, abdominals, back arch, lateral, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Utkatasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana

Feet, Toes, Ankles: Stability and Mobility


The previous session in this Short focussed on mobility aspect of the lower extremities, in this session, we add the strengthening/ load bearing aspect as well.  Most of the positions involve moving the ankles and feet, but also bearing the weight of the body.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginners)   You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, favorite, vrksasana, adhomukha svanasana, supta padnagusthasana1

Gentle Relief for Wrists and Elbows from Mobile Phones, Laptops and other Electronic Gadget Use


This session is mostly drills to bring relief to our abused wrists/elbows/shoulders, from over-use of electronic gadgets. These actions are good by themselves, and also good preparation for asanas where wrist/ elbow/shoulder strength is called for.   Can be attempted by all levels.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 45mins

Tagwords: 45mins, sports, golf, tennis, favorite, wrists, elbows, deskjob, deskworker

Improving Ankle Resiliency with Supports


Our subjective experience of the legs starts at the hips.  The first segment of this session works on exercises to free up the joints – with a focus on the hips.  The second segment focusses on the ankle joint through a series of standing balancing and supine asanas.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle).  You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 70min

Tagwords: 70min, ankles, feet, hips, balance, standing, props, vrksasana, baddhakonasana, supta padangusthasana1

Introductory Course Class 1 of 24: Introduction, Arms and Leg Positions in Standing


general introduction
starting urdhva prasarita padasana
tadasana – observation of the feet, feet separate, together, one leg,
utthita hasta pada and parsva hasta pada

Introductory Course Class 10 of 24: New Arms Movements


– intro to new arm actions – paschima baddha hasta, gomukha, urdhva namaskara
– explanation of shoulder action vs shoulder blade action and why we need to differentiate
– weight bearing through the arms and shoulders – use of chair for adhomukha svanasana, chaturanga dandasana preparations

Introductory Course Class 11 of 24: Virabhadrasana1


– significance of maintaining consistency
dandasana with block for the legs at different places
– arm positions revision
virabhadrasana1 final position and deeper exploration
adho mukha restful positions – in swastikasana and virasana

Introductory Course Class 12 of 24: Weight Shift to Hands in Prasarita Padottanasana and Ardha Chandrasana


revision of standing asanas done so far
urdhva hasta tadasana to utkatasana to malasana repeats – only if there are no knee weakness/ injuries
– weight shift to arms in prasarita padottanasana
– introducing ardha chandrasana

Introductory Course Class 13 of 24: Sideways Leg and Back Arch


– revise standing asanas with arms spread to sides
– reinforce ardha chandrasana
– understand connection to supta padangusthasana2
– expl the significance of holding the sideways foot off the floor in supta padangusthasana2
– introduce urdhva mukha svanasana

Introductory Course Class 15 of 24: Shoulders and Shoulder Blades


Unlike most other sessions in this Course, this session does a deep-dive focussing on the shoulder area. these actions lead up to a half handstand.
parts of the session can be done stand-alone on a regular basis to strengthen the shoulder area.