Standing Asana Intensive with Focus on Ankles, Leading to Bhekasana (Part1 of Back Arches Weekend Intensive)
₹699.00 – ₹1,499.00Focussing on calves, shins and ankles as the foundation for standing asanas. Progressing to the basic back arches.
This session is part of the Short Course ‘Standing to Back Arches (Weekend Intensive). Save by renting the entire Course.
Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate
Duration: 120min
Tagwords: 120min, standing, ankles, feet, utthita hasta padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, bhekasana, malasana
Standing Asanas all the Way
₹699.00 – ₹1,499.00This is a longer session for beginner level that goes into some detailed instructions for standing asanas, and goes through the entire range of standing asanas for this level.
Level: Experienced Beginner. Intermediate
Duration: 105 min
Tagwords: 105mins, standing, standing balancing, feet, ankles
Steady and Dynamic Abdominals
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Deploying the abdomen in Standing and Forward Extensions
Duration: 75min; Level: Intermediate
This recording is part of the Short Course Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series1 (Level Intermediate) . Save by renting the entire Course.
Tagwords: abdominals, abdomen, core, abdominal toning, standing asana, Navasana, Jathara parivartasana, Supta Padangusthasana3, favorite
Strength and Fleexibility in Legs and Hips – a Practice Using a Chair
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00An active practice for the ‘Gentle’ level.
Level: Gentle
Duration: 75min
Tagwords: 75min, props, chair, legs, hips, arms, shoulders, standing asanas
Strengthening and Firming Shoulders and Shoulder Blades: Preparation for Sirsasana (Headstand)
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Sirsasana preparation.. But also, understanding the shoulder and shoulderblades actions separately not just prepares us for the more complex asanas, it helps us to target the specific areas for the health of the upper back-shoulder complex.
Level: Experienced Beginners
Duration: 60min
Tagwords: 60mins, shoulders, shoulderbades, upper back, sports, dorsal thoracic, CARS, inversions, headstand, gomukhasana, sirsasana, salamba sirsasana, setubandha sarvangasana
Strengthening Legs from Thighs to Ankles
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Using different arrangement of props to isolate and strengthen different parts of the leg – from the thighs, to the ankles.
Duration: 60 mins.
Tagwords: 60min, legs, sports, thighs, ankles, standing
Strengthening Spinal Muscles in a Short-burst Follow-along Session
₹299.00 – ₹699.00Strengthening the spinal muscles, connecting the arms to back – a short session comprising standing asanas and back arches. It is meant to be a follow-along session.
Level: Experienced beginners, Beginners
Duration: 30min
Tagwords: 30mins, favorite, standing, back arches, backbends, dynamic, back, spine, short burst, utthita hasta padangusthasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana,parsvottanasana, virabhadrasana1, ustrasana, bhekasana
Strengthening the Weak Underbelly of the Arms: The Triceps
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in its joint
Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and gentle
Duration – 75 min session.
This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate). Save by buying the entire Course.
Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, triceps, arm strength, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana,
Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level – Experienced Beginner)
Original price was: ₹1,697.00.₹1,272.00Current price is: ₹1,272.00.Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to address this imbalance and fatigue.
A 3 class series that is ideally suited to release fatigue from the shoulders, elbows and wrists, and also prepares the arms, elbows and wrists for more advanced asanas involving weight bearing on the wrists.
Tagwords: sports, golf, tennis, favorite, wrists, elbows, shoulders, lateral, side body, deskworker
Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)
Original price was: ₹1,897.00.₹1,422.00Current price is: ₹1,422.00.Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to address this imbalance and fatigue.
A 3 class series that is ideally suited to release fatigue from the shoulders, elbows and wrists, and also prepares the arms, elbows and wrists for more advanced asanas involving weight bearing on the wrists.
Tagwords: sports, golf, tennis, favorite, wrists, elbows, shoulders, lateral, side body, anantasana, vasistasanadeskjob, deskworker, salamba sirsasana2
Stretch in Back Thighs (Hamstrings) for Healthy Back
₹699.00 – ₹1,499.00
Finding length in hamstrings in supported positions
Duration: 90 mins.
Tag words: 90 mins, back, hamstrings, props, standing, twisting, supine, Supta padangusthasana, prasarita padottanasana, viparitakarani, parivrtta trikonasana, parsvottanasana, uttanasana, upavistakonasana,