Showing 13–24 of 87 results

Anatomical Understanding of Lumbar Back in Forward Extensions, Experienced through Lateral Movements and Spinal Extensions


An exploration of the lumbar area: experientially through movements in the lateral plane, and in positions where the spine stay relatively in a neutral state & by looking at the anatomy of the lower back.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, standing, arms, shoulders, anatomy, favorite, forward extensions, forward bends

Anchoring to Extend the Back


This session  builds on the first part and the second parts, transitioning to forward extension and backward extensions following the ‘anchoring principle.  Safe for most people with minot back ailments.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: All levels

Duration: 30mins

Tagwords: 30mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported, standing, adhomukha svanasana, parsvottanasana, pavan muktasana

Beginners’ Back Arches Part1: Strengthening Arms, Shoulders and Legs to Prepare for Back Arches


Preparing the arms and shoulder leading to Virabhadrasana 1 ( connecting arms and shoulders to the hip and the lower limbs)

Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, Upper back, shoulders, arms, hips, sports, standing, dynamic, favorite, Virabharasana1

Beginners’ Back Arches Practice Part 3: Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana


The second Part of the Back Arches Series at the Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Level looks at Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana.

Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60min, backbands, back arches, standing, shoulders, arms upper back, sports, favorite, Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana.

Constructing and De-constructing Surya Namaskara (Short Course, Level Intermediate)


This set of 3 sessions breaks down the twelve steps of Surya namaskar, and then puts them together again.  Although absolute beginners may work with this Course, it does go into some of the finer points and nuances of each of the steps of Surya Namaskar, which might not make complete sense to Beginners.  People with shoulder. wrist and back weakness are advised caution. Some adaptations are shown to make it possible to work around these weaknesses without aggravating them.  Women during menstruation, pregnancy, people with stomach ailments, recent surgeries, heart conditions are advised to not pracitce Surya namaskar

Tagwords: Surya namaskar, hips, legs, arms, abdominals, favorite, shoulders, vinyasa, standing, chaturanga dandasana, Uttanasana, Adhomukha svanasana, inversions, Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Eka pada Sarvagasana

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana 1 (Short Course, Level – Experienced Beginner)


Virabhadrasana 1 is a basic standing asana with many moving parts. It has traces of forward extensions, backward arch and twist. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of Virabhadrasana 1 in this set of classes.

Tagwords: shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, seated, abdominals, back arch, lateral, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Utkatasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana 1 (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)


Virabhadrasana1 is a basic standing asana with many moving parts. It has traces of forward extensions, backward arch and twist. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of Virabhadrasana1 in this set of classes.

Tagwords: shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, seated, abdominals, back arch, lateral, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Utkatasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana

Deep Dive into Parivrtta Trikonasana: The Revolved Triangle


This session is in 3 parts:

Part 1: Preparation
Part 2: Parivrtta trikonasana explanation of the variables, and how to negotiate them
Part 3: follow-along

level: Beginner, experienced beginner

duration: 45min.

Tagwords: 45mins, standing, twist, favorite,  parivrtta trikonasana

Energising and Warming Part1: Standing and Standing Twists


A combination of standing Asanas and Standing revolved positions done dynamically, we recommend doing it on a cold day to warm yourself up, or to do it on a day that you are feeling dull, or to use it to re-start your practice after a break.

This session is part 1 of the Short Course: Energising and Warming: Standing Asanas in Combination with Back Arches, Twists and Abdominals.  Save by buying the whole Course

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagword: 60min, energising, warming, standing, standing twists, favorite,  parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta trikonasana

Energising and Warming Part2: Standing and Back Arches


A combination of standing Asanas and simple back arches done dynamically, we recommend doing it on a cold day to warm yourself up, or to do it on a day that you are feeling dull, or to use it to re-start your practice after a break.

This session is part2 of the Short Course: Energising and Warming: Standing Asanas in Combination with Back Arches, Twists and Abdominals.  Save by buying the whole Course

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagword: 60min, energising, warming, standing, backbends, back arches, backward extensions, favorite

Energising and Warming Part3: Standing and Abdominal Asanas


A combination of standing Asanas and simple back arches done dynamically, we recommend doing it on a cold day to warm yourself up, or to do it on a day that you are feeling dull, or to use it to re-start your practice after a break.

This session is part3 of the Short Course: Energising and Warming: Standing Asanas in Combination with Back Arches, Twists and Abdominals.  Save by buying the whole Course

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagword: 75min, energising, warming, standing, abdominal, abdominals, favorite

Energising and Warming: A Short Course for Cold and Dull Days (SHORT COURSE; Level Exp. Beginner, Intermediate)


This Short Course recommend for cold days to warm yourself up, or for days that you are feeling dull, or to use it to re-start your practice after a break.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Tagwords: energising, warming, standing, standing twists, favorite,  parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta trikonasana, backbends, back arches, backward extensions, abdominal, abdominals