Showing 1–12 of 15 results

‘Active’ and ‘Passive’ Actions to Strengthen Legs (Level Experienced Beginner)


As the seat of the largest muscles and bones in the body, the thighs built for strong actions. However, quite often, due to our limited range of actions, and due to aging, the thighs start losing their firmness. We explore the interesting concepts of ‘Active’ and ‘Passive’ muscular actions in this session.

Duration: 60min

Level: Exp Beginner, Intermediate

Tagwords: 60min, dynamic, legs, hips, thighs, standing, lateral, side body, supta padangusthasana1, urdhvaprasarita padasana, utkatasana, ardha chandrasana

Abdomen Use in Asana SHORT COURSE #2: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Level: Exp. Beginners)


The sessions in this Short Course move from dynamic movements of the arms and legs, while maintaining a stable and still abdomen, to steady holds, and then towards twists and balance challenges

Tagwords: abdomen, abdominals, core, utthita hasta padangusthasana, parsvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, urdhva prasarita padasana, navasana, parivrtta trikonasana, utkatasana, malasana

Abdomen Use in Asana SHORT COURSE #2: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Level: Intermediate)


The sessions in this Short Course move from dynamic movements of the arms and legs, while maintaining a stable and still abdomen, to steady holds, and then towards twists and balance and inversions challenge

Tagwords: abdomen, abdominals, core, favorite, utthita hasta padangusthasana, parsvottanasana, supta padangusthasana1, parivrtta trikonasana, urdhva prasarita padasana, navasana, supta padangusthasana3, parivrtta trikonasana, utkatasana, adhomukha vrksasana, full arm balance



As the seat of the largest muscles and bones in the body, the thighs built for strong actions. However, quiet often,due to our limited range of actions,and due to aging, the thighs start losing their firmness. We explore the interesting concepts of ‘Active and passive’ muscular actions in this session.

Duration: 75min

Level: Intermediate

Tagwords: 75min, dynamic, legs, hips, thighs, standing, lateral, side body, favorite, supta padangusthasana1, urdhvaprasarita padasana, utkatasana, ardha chandrasana, vasishtasana, anantasana

Beginners’ Back Arches Part1: Strengthening Arms, Shoulders and Legs to Prepare for Back Arches


Preparing the arms and shoulder leading to Virabhadrasana 1 ( connecting arms and shoulders to the hip and the lower limbs)

Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, Upper back, shoulders, arms, hips, sports, standing, dynamic, favorite, Virabharasana1

Dynamic Seated Forward Extensions and Leg Conditioning


The first half of this session is done dynamically in standing and seated forward extensions, while the second half focusses on spreading of calves for the same category of asanas.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, dynamic, hips, calves, shins, forward extensions, seated forward extensions

Dynamic Weight Bearing and Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees: Exploration through Utkatasana


Weight Bearing and Dynamic Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees

Duration: 75min; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: knee, knee alignment, knee strength, knee therapy, virabharasana2, hips, hamstrings, calf, calves, supta padanguthasana1, virasana, ardha chandrasana, Utkatasana, sports, favorite, 75min

Invigorating Standing Asanas for the First Week of the Month


This session is a strong standing Asanas practice, covering most of the standing Asanas and ending in inversions and seated twists.   The strong holds, no use of props, and the continuous progression from one Asana to the next, makes it an intermediate level session.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, standing, halasana, cakrasana

Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: Balance, Roll, Revolve


Learning to use the muscles of the abdominal area: progression from the previous session with stronger arm and leg actions, and adding the challenges of balancing, rolling and revolving.

This session is part of the Short Course Abdomen Use in Asana SHORT COURSE #2: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Level: Experienced Beginner).  Save by buying the whole Course.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60mins, abdomen, abdominals, dynamic, core, favorite, supta padangusthasana1, supta padangusthasana3, parivrtta trikonasana, utkatasana, malasana

Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists and Abdominals – Parivrtta Parsvakonasana


Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions and standing twists

Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner)  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, abdominals, favorite, back arch, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana,Virabhadrasana1

Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists, Abdominals and Inversions: Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Eka pada setubandha sarvangasana


Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions, standing twists and inversions

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 75min

This recording is part of the Short Course Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate).  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, abdominals, lateral, favorite, back arch, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana,Virabhadrasana1, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana

Standing Asana Intensive with Focus on Ankles, Leading to Bhekasana (Part1 of Back Arches Weekend Intensive)


Focussing on calves, shins and ankles as the foundation for standing asanas.  Progressing to the basic back arches.

This session is part of the Short Course ‘Standing to Back Arches (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 120min

Tagwords: 120min, standing, ankles, feet, utthita hasta padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, bhekasana, malasana