Showing 61–72 of 135 results

Introductory Course Class 18 of 24: Parts of Spine


introducing the major parts of spine – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. experiment with spinal segmentation
– introduce halasana – rolling up from the floor
introduce setubandha sarvangasana with block

Introductory Course Class 19 of 24: Adaptations for Minor Back Ailments


Adapting asanas for minor back ailments. this is not not for therapy, and not for those going through acute back discomfort. In such cases, a regular class might not be suitable. The adaptations shown are very simple, so that a beginner level practitioner can quickly make these adaptations themselves with a very few props.


Introductory Course Class 2 of 24: Abdominal Actions


moving from introductory to next level of practice -the example of adhomukha svanasana
– revise Surya Namaskara
– revise halasana
– introduce abdominals urdhva prasarita padasana, navasana

Introductory Course Class 20 of 24: Preparation for Back Arches


Preparing for back arches thorugh standing and seated positions.and introducing:
chaturnga dandasana, salabhasna and bhujangasana
– longer explanation of chaturanga dandasana with options to make it accessible
– Introducing Gomukhasana

Introductory Course Class 21 of 24: Simple Adaptations for Women During Days of Menstruation


Adapting asanas for women during the days of menstruation, or for minor abdominal ailments. this is not for therapy, and not for those going through acute discomfort. in such cases, a regular class might not be suitable. The adaptations shown are very simple so that a beginner level practitioner can quickly make these adaptations themselves with very few props.

Introductory Course Class 22 of 24: introducing Jump-throughs


– introducing paschima namskara – as the initiation of back arching actions
– introducing urdhva mukha svanasana
– introducing transitions between adho mukha svanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana and chaturanga dandasana – as preparation towards surya namaskara

Introductory Course Class 23 of 24: Adaptations for Minor Knee Ailments


Introducing adaptations in class in standing and seated positions that can be done in case of minor knee ailments.  – introducing adaptations in standing and seated positions that can be done in case of minor knee ailments. This is not for therapy, and not for those going through acute knee pain or recent injury. in such cases, a regular class might not be suitable. The adaptations shown are very simple so that a beginner level practitioner can quickly make these adaptations themselves with very few props.
The session starts  with introducing the full cycle of Sun Salutations (surya namasakar) Skip this part if you do have a knee ailment.

Introductory Course Class 3 of 24: Supine Positions, Parsvottanasana


starting in urdhva prasarita padasana
intro seated OM
revision of previous asanas, intro supta tadasana, intro pavan muktasana and supta padangusthasana1, intro utthita hasta padasana, intro parsvottanasana concave back, seated swastikasana
ques: knock knees

Introductory Course Class 4 of 24: Feet Positions, Adhomukha svanasana, Ardha uttanasana


explanation of why OM in the beginning
detailing arches of the feet, revision of earlier asanas virasana feet positions, intro adhomukha svanasana, intro ardha uttanasana, simple seated positions, simple seated adho mukha position

Introductory Course Class 5 of 24: Seated Leg Extensions


Intro on Patanjali, codification of yoga, why we say the invocation, intro to invocation in call and response
detail dandasana, intro upavistakonasana

Introductory Course Class 6 of 24: Bending the Extended Legs


Developing the internal sense of alignment

detail supta padangusthasana1, intro utthita hasta padangusthasana, intro vimanansana, intro utkatasana

Introductory Course Class 7 of 24: Elements of Quietness and Pelvic Health


Head placement in supine positions, detailing upavistakonasana and baddhakonasana and their importance in maintaining health of the pelvic organs