Showing 61–72 of 398 results

Back Health – Introduction: a FREE Resource


A subjective introduction to our back bodies, and the simplest do’s and don’ts.  This basic understanding is essential for everyone embarking on an asana practice with a sensitive back.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: All levels

Duration: 30min

Tagwords: 30mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported

Baddhakonasana and Supta Baddhakonasana: for Physiological and Emotional Benefits (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)


A short course in two parts that prepares, and then introduces one of the most extensively used restorative asana positions: Supta Baddhakonasana.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Beginner

Tagwords: women, womens health, reproductive health, urinary health, pranayama preparatory, supta baddhakonasana, supine, thigh external rotation, thigh, hips, hip joint, hip mobility

Beginner Level ( Including GST )

1,700.00 / month with 1 week free trial

Either Experienced beginners (with 6 months – 1 year experience of learning yoga in the Iyengar tradition), OR those who have never done yoga before.

Beginner level Back Arches: Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shalabhasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana


This session starts with a preparatory segment to prepare the upper back, shoulder, arms and the neck, and then we practice a set of beginner-level back arches that should be accessible by most people.

Level: Beginner

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60mins, back arches, backward extensions, favorite, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shlabhasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana

Beginner Level Back Arches: Shalabhasana, Bhekasana, Ustrasana


This session starts with a preparatory segment to prepare the upper back, shoulder, arms and the neck, and then we practice a set of beginner-level back arches that should be accessible by most people.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60mins, back arches, backward extensions, favorite, Gomukhasana, Upavista konasana, Bhekasana, Shlabhasana, Ustrasana

Beginners’ Back Arches Part1: Strengthening Arms, Shoulders and Legs to Prepare for Back Arches


Preparing the arms and shoulder leading to Virabhadrasana 1 ( connecting arms and shoulders to the hip and the lower limbs)

Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, Upper back, shoulders, arms, hips, sports, standing, dynamic, favorite, Virabharasana1

Beginners’ Back Arches Practice Part 3: Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana


The second Part of the Back Arches Series at the Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Level looks at Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana.

Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60min, backbands, back arches, standing, shoulders, arms upper back, sports, favorite, Urdhvamukhasvanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana.

Beyond Squatting to Arm Balances and Inversions


This session goes beyond malasana (the squatting position), to integrating the ‘softness’ of the groins into arm balances and basic inversions (including a deliciously quiet supported sarvangasana with chair)

Duration: 90min

Level: Intermediate

This Recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Intermediate) 

Short Course #1 for Squatting Health and Malasana (Course Level: Suitable for all levels)

Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag-words: malasana, tittibhasana, groins, groin injury, cycling, walking, arm balance, sirsasana, chair sarvangasana, sports, soccer, football, inner thigh, adductors

Breath awareness leads to body awareness


How do the breath and body connect, communicate and learn from each other?

Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and gentle

Duration – 75 min session.

Tagwords: tadasana, supta padangushtasana, viparitakarni, badakonasana

Breath Experience with Soft Groins


A restorative/ quiet audio/ viedo hybrid session that encourages the correct positioning of the groins in supine positions, while exploring the breath.

Duration: 60min,

Level: experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This Recording is part of the Short Course Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Intermediate)  and  the Course Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Experienced Beginners and Gentle).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: Groins, Sports, sports injury, running, bicycling, sitting, driving, groin injury, adductors, inner thighs, supine positions, supta swastikasana

Breath in asanas


This session is an experience in body and breath coordination.

Duration: 75 mins.

Tag words: 75 mins, trikonasana, uttanasana, prasarita pada uttanasana, ardha chandrasana, supta padangustasana

Breath in Nostrils Head and Face


An energising but supported segment followed by breath work: Breath awareness with the head and the face region in focus.

Level: Experienced, Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 60 mins.

Tag words: 60 mins, props, audio video hybrid, breath, props, supported, supine,  pranayama, supported surya namaskara, suptabaddhakonasana, sirsasana, urdhvamukhasvanasana, adhomukha svanasana, uttanasana