Showing 13–24 of 25 results

Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis): Use of Arms


This session addresses the shoulder and neck area through the arms – in seated and supported standing Asanas.  Even if you do not have a degenerative condition of the cervical area, this is suitable session to maintain mobility and strength in the shoulder and neck area.

This session is part2 of the Short Course Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area: Cervical Spondylosis, Spondylitis.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 50min

Tagwords: 50min, therapy, neck, cervical, shoulder, props, supported, standing, seated, favorite

Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis) Short Course; Level: Gentle


Asanas, as well as actions adapted from Asanas, can help greatly to improve posture, increase flexibility, and decrease pain in painful conditions in and around the cervical (neck) spine

Level: Gentle

Tagwords: therapy, neck, cervical, shoulder, props, supported, standing, back arches, favorite

Parallel Movement the Front and the Back of the Body


In this session, we explore the relationship between the back and the front, and also how to move/ position these two facets so they are complimentary.  Unlike the other sessions of this Short Course, this session is fairly active and also puts the back in more challenging positions.  The learnings of the previous sessions have to be integrated in this session.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: Beginner, Exp Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 6mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported, standing, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Virabhadrasana1, Virabhadrasana3, Utkatasana, Ardha Uttanasana

Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)


All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’.   If you are already in a state of respiratory discomfort, pl. refer to our FREE Resource

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, therapy, props, supports, yoga for covid, favorite, adhomukha virasana, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana, viparita karani, viparita dandasana, purvottanasana,, sirsasana, halasana, supta baddhakonasana

Practice for Respiratory Health(Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)


All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’.   If you are already in a state of respiratory discomfort, pl. refer to our FREE Resource

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, therapy, props, supports, yoga for covid, favorite, adhomukha virasana, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana, supta baddhakonasana

Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions)


This is an asana session for recovering from a strained back. Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in the positions.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: All levels

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported

Practice Suitable for Back Pain (without detailed Instructions)


This is meant to be a follow-along session.  Work with the longer session with demonstrations before working with this session.  Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in the positions.

This class is part of the Short Course  “Asana understanding for a healthy back”.  Save by renting the entire course.

Level: All levels

Duration: 45mins

Tagwords: 45mins, back, back care, back pain, therapy, props, supported


Prone Position Tutorial: Adhomukha virasana – Supported and Elevated


This was recorded as supplementary to the following session:

Learning the Practice for respiratory Health – Part1: Standing Asanas and Basic Proning

A short tutorial for a fully supported prone position that is suitable to do during respiratory illness even by newcomers with no experience of yoga.

This session is part of the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, (Short Course, Level Experienced Beginners).   and the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 10min

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone, proning, yoga for covid, therapy, props, supports, favorite, adhomukha virasana

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginner)


Feet have the dual role of having to bear body weight, and also of controlling movement complexity.  The sessions in this Short Course address both these aspects of flexibility, and strength, building up ‘dynamic stability’.

Tagwords: feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, calves, shins, therapy, plantar fascities, bone spurs, varicose veins, sports, favorite, Garudasana, Utkatasana, Ardha chandrasana

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle)


Feet have the dual role of having to bear body weight, and also of controlling movement complexity.  The sessions in this Short Course address both these aspects of flexibility, and strength, building up ‘dynamic stability’.

Tagwords: feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, calves, shins, therapy, plantar fascities, bone spurs, varicose veins, sports, favorite, Garudasana, Utkatasana, Ardha chandrasana

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Intermediate)


Feet have the dual role of having to bear body weight, and also of controlling movement complexity.  The sessions in this Short Course address both these aspects of flexibility, and strength, building up ‘dynamic stability’.

Tagwords: feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, calves, shins, therapy, plantar fascities, bone spurs, varicose veins, sports, favorite, Garudasana, Utkatasana, Ardha chandrasana

Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices ( Short Course; Level Exp Beginner)


Virasana, and its extensions into Supta Virasana and Adhomukha virasana, are excellent conditioners of lower limbs.  Supta virasana and Adhomukha virasana are often used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions, as preparation for other types of asanas, and as a seat for pranayama. In this Short Course, we cover ground from healing actions for injured knees to prepare them for Virasana action, preparing for Virasana, and extending to adhomulha and supta virasana.

Tagwords: knees, therapy, props, support, running, trekking, sports, knee, hips, ankles, virasana, supta padangusthasana, baddhakonasana, janu sirsasana, virasana, padmasana, upavistakonasana, adhomukha virasana, supta virasana