Showing all 4 results

Back arches: Fast Movements Using Supports


This session explores how short bursts of fast movements effect back arches.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 90 mins.

This recording is part of the Short Course Back Arches: All Things Considered.  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: back arches, backward extension, shoulders, dorsal thoracic, upper back, urdhva dhanurasana, virabhadrasana1, purvottanasana, vinyasa

Back Arches: Overview (Short Course: for all Levels)


A collection of sessions that looks at back arches from different perspectives.

Knee Health Introduction (Warming Practice in first half)


The first part of this session is active back arches, with focus on the shoulders and arms. The work on the knee starts in the second half of the session, with preliminary visual diagnostics, and arranging the knees in the most basic and symmetrical asana position: tadasana 

This session is part of the Short Course Knee Health: Simple Diagnostics and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asana Practice (Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner). Save by renting the entire Course.

Duration: 75min

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Tagwords: 75min, back arches, backward extension, standing, knee, knee health, knee injury, shoulders, arms, wrists