Showing all 8 results

Feet, Toes, Ankles: Stability and Mobility


The previous session in this Short focussed on mobility aspect of the lower extremities, in this session, we add the strengthening/ load bearing aspect as well.  Most of the positions involve moving the ankles and feet, but also bearing the weight of the body.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginners)   You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, favorite, vrksasana, adhomukha svanasana, supta padnagusthasana1

Forward Extensions: 
The Essential Intermediate Stages


The Intermediate positions of the four seated forward extensions that enrich Paschimottanasana

Duration: 75 mins.

This session is part of Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  and also the Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: 75min, forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, Vrksasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Dandasana, Padangustha dandasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana with chair

Improving Ankle Resiliency with Supports


Our subjective experience of the legs starts at the hips.  The first segment of this session works on exercises to free up the joints – with a focus on the hips.  The second segment focusses on the ankle joint through a series of standing balancing and supine asanas.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle).  You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 70min

Tagwords: 70min, ankles, feet, hips, balance, standing, props, vrksasana, baddhakonasana, supta padangusthasana1

Increasing Mobility and Stability Challenge for the Ankles – Part1


This session is a progression from the previous session.   It works on the ankle joint through a series of standing asanas.  Blocks are used to challenge the balance and the stability at the ankles, and also to increase the range of movements.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginners) and the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Intermediate).   You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, ankles, feet, balance, standing, sports, running, CARS, standing, vrksasana, , Virabhadrasana1, Janu sirsasana, malasana, Virasana

Increasing Mobility and Stability Challenge for the Ankles – Part2


This session is a progression from the previous two sessions.  There is re-inforcement of actions done in the previous session, and introduction of higher levels of complexity or subtlity.   It works on the ankle joint through a series of asanas.  Blocks are used to challenge the balance and the stability at the ankles, and also to increase the range of movement.

This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Intermediate).   You can save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 80min

Tagwords: 80min, ankles, feet, balance, standing, sports, running, CARS, standing, vrksasana, Prasarita padottanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Janu sirsasana, malasana, Virasana, utthita hast padangusthasana1

Invigorating Standing Asanas with Focus on Lower Back


An invigorating Asana session of standing Asanas with focus on positioning and toning the tailbone – the lowest part of the back.

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: Standing asanas, tailbone, coccyx, Supta padangusthasana3, Vrksasana, Chatuspadasana, Padahastasana, Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Uttthita hasta padangusthasana,

Knee Health: Further Diagnostics, and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asanas


More ways to diagnose health of knees, and Using Yoga Asanas to strengthen knees while preventing knee pain

This session is part of the Short Course Knee Health: Simple Diagnostics and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asana Practice (Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner). Save by renting the entire Course.

Duration: 60min

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Gentle

Tagwords: 60min, knee, knee health, knee injury, standing, seated, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana2, Virabhadrasana1, Supta padangusthasana1, Upavistakonasana, Vrksasana

Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Seated Asanas – from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course, Experienced Beginners, Intermediate)


Tagwords: forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, standing balancing, Vrksasana, Parsvottanasana, Chaturana dandasana, Padangusthasana, Pada hastasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Dandasana, Padangustha dandasana, Urdhva hasta, Utkatasana, Malasana, Supta padangusthasana, Akarna dhanurasana, Ubhaya padangusthasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sirsasana, Sirsasana variation, Uttanasana,