Showing 13–24 of 26 results

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part2 for Intermediate: Inversions, Back Arches and Supine


The sessions in this Short Course are meant for ‘Learning’.  In this session we see how to use head-down positions such as Adhomukha svanasana, as well as inversions and back arches quietly and with support for maintaining the health of the respiratory system.

This session is part if the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75mins

Tagwords: 75mins., covid, respiratory health, therapy, props, supports, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, yoga for covid, favorite, inversions, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, viparita karani, viparita dandasana, purvottanasana, halasana, sarvangasana, prone savasana

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part3 for Beginners: Putting it all Together


This is the 3rd part of the series on respiratory health. Unlike the previous 2 sessions of this Short Course, this session does not have detailed instructions.  Please go through the previous sessions before attempting this one.  Also unlike the other 2 sessions of this Short Course, this session does not have a preparatory segment.  This series contains long holds with minimal instructions.

This session is part if the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, (Short Course, Level Experienced Beginners).   Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 70mins

Tagwords: 70mins., covid, respiratory health, therapy, props, supports, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, yoga for covid, favorite, inversions, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana, supta baddhakonasana

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part3 for Intermediate Level: Putting it all Together


Putting together the last 2 sessions, this last session of the Short Course is done with minimal instructions and long-ish holds.

This session is part if the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 120mins

Tagwords: 120mins., covid, respiratory health, therapy, props, supports, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, yoga for covid, inversions, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, viparita karani, viparita dandasana, purvottanasana, halasana, prone savasana

Parsvakonasana to Viparitakarani – Preparation for Breath Explorations


This session explores some lateral/ side-body actions, followed by a deeply restful Viparitakarani, and ending with breath-work

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, back, upper back, thoracic, chest, dorsal thoracic, breath, pranayama, spiral breath, props, supported, standing, side body,  inversions, multiple asana categories, parsvakonasana, parighasana, viparitakarani

Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)


All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’.   If you are already in a state of respiratory discomfort, pl. refer to our FREE Resource

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, therapy, props, supports, yoga for covid, favorite, adhomukha virasana, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana, viparita karani, viparita dandasana, purvottanasana,, sirsasana, halasana, supta baddhakonasana

Practice for Respiratory Health(Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)


All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’.   If you are already in a state of respiratory discomfort, pl. refer to our FREE Resource

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, therapy, props, supports, yoga for covid, favorite, adhomukha virasana, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana, supta baddhakonasana

Pranayama/ Breath-focussed class: Alternating Actions during Inhalation and Exhalation


Coordinating simple actions with inhalations and exhalations

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60min, breath, pranayama, restorative, adhomukha svanasana, supta padangusthasana1, supta baddhakonasana, supta swastikasana, swastikasana, virasana, props, supported, seated, supine

Preparing Upper Body to Penetrate to Breath


This session starts with activating  the dorsal thoracic area and then uses this area to initiate breath actions.

Level: Intermediate/ Gentle

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, breath, pranayama, dorsal thoracic, chest, lungs, sports, hybrid

Prone Position Tutorial: Adhomukha virasana – Supported and Elevated


This was recorded as supplementary to the following session:

Learning the Practice for respiratory Health – Part1: Standing Asanas and Basic Proning

A short tutorial for a fully supported prone position that is suitable to do during respiratory illness even by newcomers with no experience of yoga.

This session is part of the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, (Short Course, Level Experienced Beginners).   and the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 10min

Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone, proning, yoga for covid, therapy, props, supports, favorite, adhomukha virasana

Question, Generic (Audio): Understanding of Breath in Iyengar yoga


I heard you use the phrase, ‘bring intelligence to the breath’ – what does it mean?
Is there a gradational understanding of the breath in Iyengar yoga?
Why is Pranayama not introduced right away at the very beginning in Iyengar yoga?

Tagwords: q&a, breath, pranayama

Question, generic (Video): Can the ‘breath’ help in healing (specifically with respect to abdominal distress like bloating, cramping etc.)?


Can the ‘breath’ help in healing (specifically with respect to abdominal distress like bloating, cramping etc.)?

Tagwords: q&a, abdominal health, abdomen, menstrual discomfort, menstrual health, breath

Question, Generic (video): How do I start using the breath in my yoga practice?


How do i start using the breath in my yoga practice?

Tagwords: q&a, breath