Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Abdominal Actions in Twists


This session explores the relationship between abdominal organs and twisting actions, primarily through revolved and standing and supine positions, using the arm actions as a moving agency

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 90 min

Tagwords: 90min, Parivrtta trikonasana, Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Jathara, parivartanasana, supta padangustasana 3, pavanmuktasana, marichyasana1, sarvangasana with chair

Arms Connecting to Sides for Effortless Inversions (Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance)


In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in the shoulder joint

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 75 min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, bakasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana, sirsasana, pincha mayurasana, bakasana, sarvangasana, ek pada sarvangasana, virabadrasana1, virabadrasana3

Breath Supporting Arm Actions to Lift up to Inversions


In this session we strengthen the spine and practice headstand and shoulderstand

Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and Gentle

Duration – 75 min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana

Building up to Challenging Leg and Knee Actions


Tagwords: 90min, knee, knee health, ankles, balance, standing asana, utthita hasta padangusthasana, yogidandasana, mulabandhasana

Eka Pada Actions: Culmination of the Leap towards Hanumanasana


Culmination of the Eka Pada actions in supported Hanumanasana

Duration: 90 mins.

Level: Intermediate

This recording is part of the Short Course Eka Pada Actions – The Leap Towards Hanumanasana (Level: Intermediate).    Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: 90min, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, back thighs, groins, front thighs, hips, back arch, backbends, backward extensions, Supta Virasana, Virabhadrasana1, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Viparita dandasana, Eka pada viparita dandasana, Sirsasana, Eka pada sirsasana, Hanumanasana

Emotional stability practice from Light on Life; pt2of3


The second segment of this Short Course is a combination of supported backward extensions and inversions.  Contains details of prop arrangement, adaptations, brief descriptions of getting into and releasing the positions. Cues to on maintain focus on ‘the lines of extension and expansion’ as detailed in the publishes sequence.

This session is part of the Short Course Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life.  Avail of discounted pricing by buying the entire Course

Tag Words: Emotional Stability, Stress, Quiet, Restorative, Prescriptive, props, supported, backward extensions, inversions, 90min

Gentle Exploration of Back Arches: Purvottanasana and Ustrasana


This session prepares the arms and shoulder leading to the back arches Purvottanasana and Ustrasana, with options for doing the Asana with supports.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 90min

Tagwords: 90min, purvottanasana, ustrasana, props, gentle, back arches, backbends, arms, shoulders


Knee Alignment: Explanations and Experiences


Basic concepts in knee alignment, how to diagnose imbalances, and to take simple corrective measures.

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the whole Course.

Duration: 90 mins; Level: Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle

Tagwords: knee, knee alignment, knee therapy, 90min, sports, knee injury, Virabharasana2, Tadasana

Knee Health: Creating ‘Space’ at the Joint


Creating and maintaining space at the knee joint to protect the cartilage and ligaments.

Duration: 90 min; Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: knee, knee therapy, arthritis, knee injury, knee health, standing, seated, calf, hamstring, 90min, sports, favorite, adhomukhasvanasana, upavistakonasana

Long Holds in Supported Positions


Supported Positions that make possible long holds.

Duration: 90min; Level: Intermediate

Tagwords: 90min, stress, anxiety, restorative, props, supported, chair, pre-menstrual practice, all asana categories, Parsvottanasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, chair Sarvangasana, chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana,  Sirsasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Purvottanasana

Parivrtta Trikonasana: a Gentle Entry


A Parivrtta trikonasana experience in a ‘Gentle’ format

level: Gentle

Duration: 90min

tagwords: 90min, twist, standing asanas, props, Parivrtta trikonasana

Removing Dullness in Back Body through Forward Extensions


A forward Extensions sessions that includes back arches and breath work.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 90min

Tagwords: 90min, forward extensions, forward bends, urdhvamukha svanasana, janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana