Covid-19 Recovery: A suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee, Part1
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00This first session of this Short Course covers the categories of Prone and Supported standing Asanas. It is preceded by a short segment of preparatory work that is not part of the original sequence. This session in part of the Short Course Covid19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee. Save by buying the entire Course.
Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle, Intermediate
Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported standing
Covid-19 Recovery: A suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee, Part3
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00This second session of this series covers supine and inverted positions.
This session in part of the Short Course Covid19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee. Save by buying the entire Course.
Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle
Duration: 105 min.;
Tagwords: covid, respiratory health, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone savasana, supine, inversions, sarvangasana, halasana
Emotional Stability practice from Light on Life – consolidated
₹699.00 – ₹1,499.00This is a consolidated session that has been put together by editing the recordings previous three sessions (this is NOT a separate recording). This is meant as a follow-along session without too many instructions about prop arrangement, getting in, and out of the position. We recommend that you try the previous three sessions before practicing along with this one.
This session is part of the Series Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life. Avail of discounted pricing by buying the entire Series.
Tag Words: Emotional Stability, Stress, Quiet, Restorative, Prescriptive Practice, props, supported, all asana categories 105min
Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle). Includes FREE 60min session
Original price was: ₹3,895.00.₹2,921.00Current price is: ₹2,921.00.“The following asanas will help you to develop emotional stability. When the given sequence is followed, they relax a person totally. The arrows show the right direction to extend and expand in the asana…” BKS Iyengar, Light on Life.
Includes one 60min session FREE
Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life Pt1 of 3
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00The first segment of this Series comprises semi-inverted (heart below the head) and supported inverted positions. Contains details of prop arrangement, adaptations, brief descriptions of getting into and releasing the positions. Cues to on maintain focus on ‘the lines of extension and expansion’ as detailed in the publishes sequence.
This session is part of the Short Course Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life. Avail of discounted pricing by buying the entire Course
Tag Words: Emotional Stability, Stress, Quiet, Restorative, Prescriptive Practice, props, supported, all asana categories, 75min
Extending Forwards and Backwards from Seated Virasana: Adhomukha and Supta Virasana
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00In this session, we look at forward extension from Virasana to Adhomukha virasana, and a supine extension to Supta virasana.
This session is part of the Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginner)
Level:Experienced Beginner, Beginner
Duration: 60mins
tagwrods: 60mins, props, support, hips, knees, ankles, favorite, virasana, adhomukha virasana, supta virasana
Feet, Toes, Ankles: Simple Conditioning Drills – a FREE Resource
Original price was: ₹399.00.₹0.00Current price is: ₹0.00.Our feet are capable of an amazing range of movements and positions – something that we tend to forget, and therefore lose. This actions in this session re-introduce some of these movements. there are no complex technical instructions for this session. enjoy the exploration. Those with ankle injuries are advised caution.
This is a FREE Resource. This session may be done as a stand-alone session, but it is also part of the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle). , the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginners) and the Short Course Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Intermediate).
Level: All levels
Duration: 30min
Tagwords: 30mins, feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing
Introduction to Supta Baddhakonansana
₹299.00 – ₹699.00Building up on the active work done in rolling the thighs out, we continue to one of the most accessible restorative positions: supta baddhakonasana, including the use of simple ‘props’ to support this position. This is one of the essential positions that women should know for reproductive health. Breath studies (progressing to pranayama) are often introduced in supta baddhakonasana.
This session is part of the Short Course Baddhakonasana and Supta Baddhakonasana: for Physiological and Emotional Benefits (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner/ Beginner)
Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner
Duration: 50min
Tagwords: 50mins, women, womens health, urinary health, reproductive health, supta baddhakonasana, supine, thigh external rotation, thigh, hips, hip joint, hip mobility
Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches & Inversions Using Two Bolsters: The Cross Bolster Magic (Short Course Level : exp beginner, Intermediate)
Original price was: ₹3,495.00.₹2,621.00Current price is: ₹2,621.00.Knee Care and Preparing Knees for Virasana/ Padmasana
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Full flexion of the knee comes in asana positions like Virasana and Padmasana. These positions are also incorporated in supine restorative positions. In this session we do some preparatory work that is especially useful for people with restriction in the knees.
This session is part of the Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginner) and Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices ( Short Course; Level Intermediate)
Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle, Intermediate
Duration: 60min
Tagwords: knees, therapy, props, support, supta padangusthasana, baddhakonasana, janu sirsasana, virasana, padmasana, upavistakonasana
Knee Health: Creating ‘Space’ at the Joint
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Creating and maintaining space at the knee joint to protect the cartilage and ligaments.
Duration: 90 min; Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle
This recording is part of the following Short Courses:
Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).
Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)
Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Gentle). Save by buying the whole Course.
Tagwords: knee, knee therapy, arthritis, knee injury, knee health, standing, seated, calf, hamstring, 90min, sports, favorite, adhomukhasvanasana, upavistakonasana
Knee Health: Further Diagnostics, and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asanas
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00More ways to diagnose health of knees, and Using Yoga Asanas to strengthen knees while preventing knee pain
This session is part of the Short Course Knee Health: Simple Diagnostics and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asana Practice (Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner). Save by renting the entire Course.
Duration: 60min
Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Gentle
Tagwords: 60min, knee, knee health, knee injury, standing, seated, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana2, Virabhadrasana1, Supta padangusthasana1, Upavistakonasana, Vrksasana