Coming Soon!
In-studio Short Courses
Schedule: 8 Classes of 90 mins. each, spread over 8 weeks. Limited to 8 participants.
Times: Friday or Saturday evenings. Tentative start date: October 2021
Program Details: One theme for a deeper understanding, and specific results. Classes are spread out so we can progressively build up, and you can integrate what you have learnt, into your personal practice. Reinforcements and revisions in each session – so you experience a real before-and-after difference. Live Classes will be recorded and the recordings will be shared with the participants for the duration of the Course.
Suitable for/ Eligibility: Can be simultaneously done with any other online or offline Program offered by the practice room, or if you have practiced in the Iyengar tradition for at least the previous 12 months with a recognised teacher.
Cost per Course: Rs 5,000 (A discount of 15% if you are signed up for any other online or offline program offered by the practice room for the duration of this course)
Short Course #1: Neck & Shoulders - from Healing to Strengthening
We recommend this Course for EVERYONE (who is eligible )!
During these months of the pandemic, our shoulders and necks have been a major area of gathering stress – both physiologically, and psychologically. Many of you might have noticed nagging pain and discomfort in these parts in your daily life. We have noticed in most students, a diminished awareness and ability in all asanas that require participation of these areas – especially inversions and back arches. This is a vicious cycle where diminished ability leads to further weakening of the neck/ shoulder area, and a weak neck/ shoulder accumulates further stress.
This course will culminate in finding comfort in Sirsasana and Sarvangasana, and might be followed by a Part 2: from Strengthening to Adventure.
Short Course 2: A Woman's Practice: Beyond the basic Menstrual Sequence
Meant for ALL women of ALL reproductive ages.
Womens’ physiology is strongly effected by subtle changes in her external and internal environment. The external forces include physical and emotional stresses in her external environment, while the internal changes are controlled by a complex interplay of hormones. Indeed, the internal and external forces are closely linked to each other. And this interplay manifests most clearly in the menstrual cycle – not just during the days of bleeding, but in the ebb and flow of energy through the month. Identifying this internal rhythm through the month makes a woman’s practice richer, and more powerful. This course will certainly help women with menstruation-associated discomforts – like period pains, heavy or scanty flow, cysts, and mood swings. But this Course is not just for women who have uncomfortable periods, it is for every woman. We will try to understand how to maintain our physical and emotional wellbeing at various times of the month: before, during, and after menstruation, and how to adapt our practice as we reach towards peri-menopause.
Eligibility: Familiarity with the basic menstrual practice.
*COVID-appropriate precautionary measures:
While we will do all we can to create a safe learning environment for you, we request your cooperation to be sensitive to the safety concerns of everyone around you.
– In-studio classes are subject to administration guidelines relating to the pandemic.
– physical distancing of 3 ft. – spaces will be clearly marked out on the floor and wall
– BYOP – mat, couple of blankets, couple of blocks and a belt. No use of common props
– follow personal hygiene measures while coming in and going out – hand washing
– carry hankerchief/ tissue paper and strictly follow respiratory-etiquette
– we will continue to be extra vigilant in keeping the premises clean.
– self-monitoring: stay away from in-studio classes if running a temperature/ respiratory infection/ taking care of a Covid patient.
– Vaccinatation – at least a single dose is required for in-studio classes.
– No hands-on physical adjustment.