Fixing Arms in Place for Gentle Anantasana and Vasistasana Adaptations
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Often, there is more focus on moving the arms, pushing or pulling with the arms. This session explores the hidden power in fixing the arms in place – this stabilises the shoulders and indeed, the entire upper back – in standing asanas, and works up towards bearing weight on the shoulders and arms.
Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate
Duration: 90min
Tagwords: 90mins, side body, lateral, shoulders, upper back, arms, anantasana, vasistasana
Long Holds in Supported Positions
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Supported Positions that make possible long holds.
Duration: 90min; Level: Intermediate
Tagwords: 90min, stress, anxiety, restorative, props, supported, chair, pre-menstrual practice, all asana categories, Parsvottanasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, chair Sarvangasana, chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Sirsasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Purvottanasana
Not Front, Not Back, On the Side: Exploration of the Lateral Body (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginners)
₹699.00 – ₹1,499.00This Short Course in 3 parts is an exploration of all of these asanas that increase awareness of the sides of the body.
Level: Experienced Beginner
Tagwords: side body, lateral, shoulders, upper back, arms, trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Ardha chandrsana, Parivrtta ardhachandrasana, parighasana, vasistasana
Parsvakonasana to Viparitakarani – Preparation for Breath Explorations
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00This session explores some lateral/ side-body actions, followed by a deeply restful Viparitakarani, and ending with breath-work
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 75min
Tagwords: 75min, back, upper back, thoracic, chest, dorsal thoracic, breath, pranayama, spiral breath, props, supported, standing, side body, inversions, multiple asana categories, parsvakonasana, parighasana, viparitakarani
Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists and Abdominals – Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions and standing twists
Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate
Duration – 60min
Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner) save by buying the entire Course
Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, abdominals, favorite, back arch, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana,Virabhadrasana1
Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists, Abdominals and Inversions: Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Eka pada setubandha sarvangasana
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions, standing twists and inversions
Level – Intermediate
Duration – 75min
This recording is part of the Short Course Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate). save by buying the entire Course
Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, abdominals, lateral, favorite, back arch, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana,Virabhadrasana1, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana
Short Burst of ‘Side’ Body Exploration
₹299.00 – ₹699.00A short duration practice-along class which is a recap of the previous 2 classes involving the side body with standing and balancing asanas. may be done stand-alone as a dynamic, energising practice if one is familiar with the asanas.
This session is part of the Short Course Not Front, Not Back, On the Side: Exploration of the Lateral Body (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner). Save by renting the entire Course.
Level: Experienced Beginner
Duration: 40 min.
Tagwords: 40mins, side body, lateral, shoulders, upper back, arms, trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Ardha chandrsana, parighasana, vasistasana
Stable Shoulders and Pranayama Hybrid
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Shoulder stability in inverted and weight bearing positions, shoulder mobility in dynamic actions, transitioning into supine pranayama.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 60min.
Tagwords: 60mins, shoulders, shoulder blades, breath, favorite, adhomukha svanssana, sirsasana, setubandha sarvangasana, prasarita padottanasana, pranayama
Strengthening the Weak Underbelly of the Arms: The Triceps
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in its joint
Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and gentle
Duration – 75 min session.
This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate). Save by buying the entire Course.
Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, triceps, arm strength, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana,
Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level – Experienced Beginner)
Original price was: ₹1,697.00.₹1,272.00Current price is: ₹1,272.00.Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to address this imbalance and fatigue.
A 3 class series that is ideally suited to release fatigue from the shoulders, elbows and wrists, and also prepares the arms, elbows and wrists for more advanced asanas involving weight bearing on the wrists.
Tagwords: sports, golf, tennis, favorite, wrists, elbows, shoulders, lateral, side body, deskworker
Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)
Original price was: ₹1,897.00.₹1,422.00Current price is: ₹1,422.00.Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to address this imbalance and fatigue.
A 3 class series that is ideally suited to release fatigue from the shoulders, elbows and wrists, and also prepares the arms, elbows and wrists for more advanced asanas involving weight bearing on the wrists.
Tagwords: sports, golf, tennis, favorite, wrists, elbows, shoulders, lateral, side body, anantasana, vasistasanadeskjob, deskworker, salamba sirsasana2