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Arm Balances: Tolasana, Lolasana, Bakasana


Various asanas that involve arm balancing: Tolasana, Lolasana, Bakasana

If you are not used to arm balancing positions we recommend you practice with one of the two sessions:
Relief for Wrists and Elbows from Mobile Phones, Laptops and other Electronic Gadget Use (Beginner Level

Relief for Wrists and Elbows from Mobile Phones, Laptops and other Electronic Gadget Use (Intermediate Level)

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 70min

Tagwords; 70mins, arm balances, shoulders, wrist, elbow, Tolasana, Lolasana, Bakasana

Arm Balancing Short Course (Weekend Intensive)


Two long sessions building up to arm balancings, from basic to intermediate.

tolasana, lolasana, eka hasta bhujasana, parsvakonasana, arm balancing, wrist, arms, shoulder, abdominals

Arm Balancing Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part 2- Arm balance followed by breath work


Using the concepts of foundational asana to transition to unsupported and final positions of arm balancing.

Duration: 120min; Level: Intermediate

This recording is part of the  Arm Balancing Weekend Intensive 2-part Short Course. Save by renting the entire Course.

Tag-words: wrist, arm, abdominals, parsvakonasana, tolasana, adhomukha vrksasana, full arm balance, eka hasta bhujasana, sirsasana with chair, bhujapidasana, 

Arms Connecting to Sides for Effortless Inversions (Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance)


In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in the shoulder joint

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 75 min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, bakasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana, sirsasana, pincha mayurasana, bakasana, sarvangasana, ek pada sarvangasana, virabadrasana1, virabadrasana3

Breath Supporting Arm Actions to Lift up to Inversions


In this session we strengthen the spine and practice headstand and shoulderstand

Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and Gentle

Duration – 75 min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana

Handstand/ Full Arm balance/ Adho mukha vrksasana: Arms, Shoulders, and Wrists


Wrist, shoulder and arm strengthening leading up to supported full-arm balance, but scalable enough to be attempted by most practitioners

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 75 min

Tagwords: 75min, wrist, arms, shoulders, handstand, inversions, standing, adhomukha vrksasana, adhomukha svanasana

Setubandha Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani: from Independent to Supported


This session is part of the short Course Two Bolster Magic; Course 1: Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches and Inversions using ‘Cross Bolsters’.  Save by renting the entire Course

Level: Intermediate

duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, back arches, backward extensions, props, bolster, restful, back, shoulders, wrist, Setubandha sarvangasana, Viparita karani

The ‘Arm Experience’ and the ‘Arm Explanation’: Anatomical Information and Subjective Knowledge


In this session we explore arm extensions

Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle

Duration – 75min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utitha hasta padasana

Viparita dandasana and Setubandha sarvangasana: from Independent to Supported


This session is part of the short Course Two Bolster Magic; Course 1: Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches and Inversions using ‘Cross Bolsters’.  Save by renting the entire Course

Level: Intermediate

duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, back arches, backward extensions, props, bolster, restful, back, shoulders, wrist, viparita dandasana, Setubandha sarvangasana