Showing 1–9 of 25 results

Question Generic (Audio):What is the role of Pranayama in this time of respiratory pandemic?


What is the role of Pranayama in this time of respiratory pandemic?

Tagwords: q&a, pranayama, covid

Question Generic (Video): How do I Improve Front/ Back Alignment for Better Posture ?


What is the correct alignment of the front (pubis) and the back (sacrum/ tailbone) for good standing posture?  Also, how should I practice asanas to improve my standing posture?

Tagwords: q&a, posture, tailbone

Question, asana-specific (Video): Discomfort on Parsvakonasana


In Parsvakonansana, I feel pressure/ pain on the front leg knee, and feel clenching of the waist on the side of the from leg

Tagwords: q&a, Parsvakonasana, knee, knee pain, knee health

Question, asana-specific (video): Foot slipping down the wall in Utthita hasta Padangusthasana


Why does my foot slip down the wall in Utthita hasta padangusthasana?

Tagwords: q&a, utthita hasta padangusthasana

Question, Asana-specific (Video): Head Position in Adhomukha svanasana


In Adhomukha svanasana, if it feels uncomfortable to take the head down or to keep the head hanging, can I always keep my head supported on a support (like bolster or block)

Tagwords: q&a, adhomukha svanasana, head, neck

Question, Asana-specific (Video): How should I use my arms and shoulder blades in urdhva hastasana?


How should I use my arms and shoulder blades in urdhva hastasana?

Tagwords: q&a, shoulders, arms, urdhva hastasana

Question, asana-specific (Video): How to Use a Yoga Strap/Belt to Stay up Longer in Half Handstand?


How to Use a Yoga Strap/Belt to Stay up Longer in Half Handstand?

Tagwords: q&a, halfhandstand, use of supports

Question, Asana-specific (Video): In Half handstand, what if I am not able to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape?


In half handstand, What if I am not able to maintain the feet position (on the wall), and the hand position (on the floor) to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape?

Tagwords: q&a, half handstand

Question, Asana-specific (Video): Neck/ Upper Back Discomfort in Lifting Arms Up and Taking Arms Behind


Question: What adjustments should I make if face pain/ discomfort in my neck and upper back when I lift my arms up in Urdhva hastasana/ Urdhva baddhangulyasana, or when I take my arms behind my back in Paschima baddhangulyasana?

Tagwords: q&a, urdhva hastasana, pain, upper back, neck