22 Dec Twist with Ease Twists done gradually and gently where they feel more like turning and revolving, rather than ‘twisting’. Done like this, they have a... Continue reading
22 Dec Hip Mobility through Thigh Rolling Out – Baddhakonasana Legs Baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonasana are hold a special place in asana vocabulory. The baddhakona legs involve an external rotation ... Continue reading
20 Dec Launching Back arches from Abdominal Actions Keeping the abdomen soft while arching back is definitely a challenge. this session attempts to do this through a series of gentle act... Continue reading
17 Dec Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: Balance, Invert, Revolve Learning to use the muscles of the abdominal area: progression from the previous session with stronger arm and leg actions, and adding ... Continue reading
17 Dec Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: Balance, Roll, Revolve Learning to use the muscles of the abdominal area: progression from the previous session with stronger arm and leg actions, and adding ... Continue reading
17 Dec Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: from Dynamic Movements to Steady Holds Learning to use muscles of the abdominal area:progression from the previous session: from dynamic action, we move to stable holds. T... Continue reading
17 Dec Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core There are only a few classical Asanas in this session, but there are a lot of fun and interesting movements where we explore the challe... Continue reading
17 Dec Overview of Back Arches Often the neck gets strained in backward extensions, as the head is taken back. This series of sessions focusses on initiating the acti... Continue reading
17 Dec Supported Back Arches: Ekapada Viparita Dandasana on Chair To access this content, you must purchase Monthly Subscription to Online Program Intermediate or Monthly Subscription to Online Program Experienced Beginner. Continue reading
17 Dec Fresh Look at Standing Asanas as Preparation for Back Arches A novel approach to practicing standing Asanas, as we prepare the arms, legs, and the spine for back arches, through a combination of s... Continue reading