Lays the foundation of a robust asana practice, for assured physical and emotional well-being

Program Duration: 15-20 months with regular attendance. Ends with taking the students to the threshold of the basic inversions (sirsasana & sarvangasana)

Eligibility: Participants who have gone through the Introductory Program conducted by us OR any similar program conducted by a recognised teacher in the Iyengar tradition. OR our Online Bridge Course to the Level Foundation.  Not suitable for direct admission for practitioners from other traditions.  Drop-ins open only for those who are already studying in the Iyengar tradition with a recognised instructor at least for a period of 3 months, and passing through our city. Write to us if you want to drop-in for a class.

Schedule: 75 min. long classes; twice a week (with the option of attending a 3rd class during the week*)

Fees: Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 3,150/ month  for 2 classes/ week

Batch 1: Mondays & Thursdays, 6:10 to 7:25am

Batch 2: Tuesdays & Fridays, 7:55 to 9:10am

Builds upon, and consolidates the foundational practice; introduces regular breath-work ( pranayama), inversions, and back arches

Suitable for: Those want to maintain, a steady Āsana/ Pranayama practice including inversions, back arches, Pranayama, and restorative practices

Eligibility:  At least 24 months of regular attendance in classes conducted by a recognised teacher in the Iyengar tradition. Not suitable for  direct admission to practitioners from other traditions. Drop-ins open only for those who are already studying in the Iyengar tradition with a recognised instructor in a comparable Level, and passing through our city. Write to us if you want to drop-in for a class.

Schedule: 90min classes; twice/ week (with the option of attending a 3rd class during the week*)

Fees: Rs. 3,600 to Rs. 4,000/ month for 2 classes/ week

Batch 1: Tuesdays & Fridays, 6:10 to 7:40am

Batch 2: Mondays & Thursdays, 7:40 to 9:10am

Level III: ADVENTURE (in-studio classes for Intermediate/ Advanced Level practitioners) 
Wider range of Āsanas, with longer holds, assumes regular self practice, and ability to moderate/ adapt ones practice based on personal requirement

Suitable for: Those who are comfortable with basic inversions and back arches, and are ready, and want to explore both ends of the Āsana/ Pranayama spectrum: more challenging Āsanas, longer holds, as well as a quieter and more independent practice.  This Level assumes regular self practice.  This Level is not suitable for  direct admission to practitioners from other traditions.
Schedule: 120min classes; once/ fortnight
Times: Alternate Sundays, 6:45 to 8:45am

Gentle+Recovery (in-studio classes for a Gentle practice)
More support/ slower pace/ gentler actions and movements.

Suitable for:  Those who are recovering from any illness, injury or surgery; those who have chronic conditions such as metabolic disturbances, back ailments, menstrual problems, muscular degeneration etc.; older adults
Schedule: 90min classes; once/ week
Times: Mondays, 5:30pm to 7:00pm

In-studio Drop-in Classes 
Only for Iyengar Yoga Practitioners

Suitable for: Practitioners in the Iyengar tradition who are passing through our city, and want to stop by for one or more classes OR those who usually enrol for our monthly programs, but have taken a break just for the month   
Prices:  Rs. 700/ 75min. session  (discounted to Rs. 500 for those who are usually enrolled in our monthly program – discounted rates are valid only for one month)
Rs. 900/ 90 min. session (discounted to Rs. 700 for those who are usually enrolled in our monthly program – discounted rates are valid only for one month)
Rs. 1,500/120 min. session (discounted to Rs. 900 for those who are usually enrolled in our monthly program- discounted rates are valid only for one month)

*Have a chat with the instructors if you are enrolled in Level I or Level II classes, and want to attend an additional (third) session during the week.

COVID-appropriate precautionary measures:

While we will do all we can to create a safe learning environment for you, we request your cooperation to be sensitive to the safety concerns of everyone around you.

– In-studio classes are subject to administration guidelines relating to the pandemic.

– maintain physical distancing

– BYOP – mat, couple of blankets, couple of blocks and a belt. If using common props, wipe them down before and after use

– follow personal hygiene measures while coming in and going out – hand washing/ masking

– carry hankerchief/ tissue paper and strictly follow respiratory-etiquette

– we will continue to be extra vigilant in keeping the premises clean.

– self-monitoring: stay away from in-studio classes if running a temperature/ respiratory infection/ taking care of a Covid patient.


We usually have a waiting list for admissions. Want us to keep you informed? Please fill up this form, and we will get in touch with you as soon as we have the admission dates

Contact us on: yoga@thepracticeroom.in