Showing 277–288 of 398 results

Question, Generic (Audio): ‘Neutralisation’ actions – what are they and when are they to be done?


You have sometimes used the term ‘Neutralising an action.’
– what does it mean?
– when is it needed – after forward or backward extensions?
– what happens if we dont do it?

Tagwords: q&a, neutralisation, neutralising, releasing, sequencing

Question, generic (audio): Should I be Completely Relaxed in Restorative Positions or Keep my Muscles Engaged?


In the ‘Restorative’ asana positions, should I be completely relaxed, or should I keep my muscles engaged?

Tagwords: q&a, restorative, restful

Question, Generic (Audio): Understanding of Breath in Iyengar yoga


I heard you use the phrase, ‘bring intelligence to the breath’ – what does it mean?
Is there a gradational understanding of the breath in Iyengar yoga?
Why is Pranayama not introduced right away at the very beginning in Iyengar yoga?

Tagwords: q&a, breath, pranayama

Question, generic (audio): When to keep the eyes open and when to close them during practice?


why are we asked to keep our eyes open in asanas, but asked to close the eyes in savasana?

Tagwords: q&a, savasana, eyes

Question, generic (Video): Can the ‘breath’ help in healing (specifically with respect to abdominal distress like bloating, cramping etc.)?


Can the ‘breath’ help in healing (specifically with respect to abdominal distress like bloating, cramping etc.)?

Tagwords: q&a, abdominal health, abdomen, menstrual discomfort, menstrual health, breath

Question, generic (Video): Clarification about some unusual elbow actions


My upper arm started shaking when i attempted to hold the block between the elbows

tag words: q&a, elbows, upper arms, shoulder

Question, Generic (video): Headstand (Sirsasana) Increasing Holding Time


How do I stay longer in Sirsasana (headstand)?
What are your thoughts on learning Headstand through online classes?


Tagwords: q&a, headstand, sirsasana

Question, Generic (video): How do I start using the breath in my yoga practice?


How do i start using the breath in my yoga practice?

Tagwords: q&a, breath

Question, generic (Video): How should I exercise the arches of my feet to prevent/ correct flatfeet:


How should I exercise the arches of my feet to prevent/ correct flatfeet?

Tagwords: q&a, flatfoot, arch of foot, dropped arch

Question, Generic (Video): Imbalance Between the Right side and the Left Side of the Body in Supine Positions


I feel an imbalance Between my Two Sides in Supine Positions – One Side of my Body Feels Heavy and Sinks Down More than the Other Side

Tagwords: q&a, imbalance