Level FOUNDATION 3 times a week (Half Yearly Plan)
₹29,700.00 every 6 monthsEither Experienced beginners (with 6 months – 1 year experience of learning yoga in the Iyengar tradition), OR those who have never done yoga before.
Long Holds in Supported Positions
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00Supported Positions that make possible long holds.
Duration: 90min; Level: Intermediate
Tagwords: 90min, stress, anxiety, restorative, props, supported, chair, pre-menstrual practice, all asana categories, Parsvottanasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, chair Sarvangasana, chair Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Sirsasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Purvottanasana
Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis): Positioning and Strengthening the Upper Back
₹499.00 – ₹1,099.00This session addresses the back – specifically the upper back/ shoulder blades/ shoulder area, which need to be strengthened and firmed so that the pain the neck/ cervical area does not manifest. This session addresses the shoulder and neck area through the arms – in seated and supported standing Asanas. Even if you do not have a degenerative condition of the cervical area, this is suitable session to maintain mobility and strength in the shoulder and neck area.
This session is part1 of the Short Course Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area: Cervical Spondylosis, Spondylitis.
Level: Gentle
Duration: 60min
Tagwords: 60min, therapy, neck, cervical, shoulder, props, supported, standing, back arches, favorite
Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis): Use of Arms
₹299.00 – ₹699.00This session addresses the shoulder and neck area through the arms – in seated and supported standing Asanas. Even if you do not have a degenerative condition of the cervical area, this is suitable session to maintain mobility and strength in the shoulder and neck area.
This session is part2 of the Short Course Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area: Cervical Spondylosis, Spondylitis.
Level: Gentle
Duration: 50min
Tagwords: 50min, therapy, neck, cervical, shoulder, props, supported, standing, seated, favorite
Managing and Preventing Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis) Short Course; Level: Gentle
₹1,198.00Asanas, as well as actions adapted from Asanas, can help greatly to improve posture, increase flexibility, and decrease pain in painful conditions in and around the cervical (neck) spine
Level: Gentle
Tagwords: therapy, neck, cervical, shoulder, props, supported, standing, back arches, favorite
₹499.00Prone positions are highly recommended for respiratory health. They can also be quietening and calming positions in combination with supine positions. Prone positions are not just about lying face-down with a belly flop. In this set of sessions, we will not just do the asanas that are classically done in a prone positions, we will also try interpret this position in many novel ways. The first part of this set, looks at the preparation and engagement of the abdominal area before going prone.
₹499.00This is a forward extension sequence. We go into basic of forward extensions and experience them by involving the back body, especially lower ribs in the back.
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₹499.00The legs and their connection to the hip are very important aspects to understand while learning forward extensions. We practice certain movements to highlight this connection. We also learning to engage the abdomen and practice spinal actions.
₹399.00We practice forward extensions with concave back positions.