This session on taking care of respiratory health at the time of the Covid Pandemic is a short session focusses on basic prone and semi-inverted positions. This session is accessible to relative newcomers, but some experience of asana practice is required. The use of props makes possible long holds in supported positions. Household object may easily be brought together for this. If you are a relative newcomer, some of these positions may be difficult to execute, or difficult to understand, in the first attempt. In such case, skip to the next position, and repeat a few time to gain familiarity and comfort with the positions.
All positions in this session are first taught to students with fewer props, or even without any props. And if you are in good health, we recommend working with the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate) or the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)in order to appreciate how the basic asanas make these adaptations more efficacious.
If you are going through respiratory discomfort, we recommend that you work with our FREE resources on Covid Recovery where the instructins and positions are further simplified and the sessions are broken down into short-duration segments. HERE