
Showing 13–21 of 21 results

Introductory Course Class 9 of 24: Resting the Head in Easy Forward Fold


Invocation together
– standing asanas revision back edge of mat, revision without demonstration, intro to simple atmanjali mudra (namaskara mudra)
– intro uttanasana concave back
– explanation of adhomukha virasana as a restorative position

Preparing the whole Body for Effective Seated Forward Extensions (Beginner Level)


In this session, we activate the back and the sides of the body, and then move towards seated forward extensions.

Level: Experienced Beginners

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, legs, hamstrings, shoulders, forward extensions, malasana, utkatasana, supta padangusthasana1

Preparing the whole Body for Effective Seated Forward Extensions (Intermediate Level)


In this session, we activate the back and the sides of the body, as well as the breath and then move towards seated forward extensions.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, shoulders, shoulder blades, forward extensions, adhomukhasvanasana, prasarita padottanasana, janu sirsasana

Standing Asana Intensive with Focus on Ankles, Leading to Bhekasana (Part1 of Back Arches Weekend Intensive)


Focussing on calves, shins and ankles as the foundation for standing asanas.  Progressing to the basic back arches.

This session is part of the Short Course ‘Standing to Back Arches (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 120min

Tagwords: 120min, standing, ankles, feet, utthita hasta padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, bhekasana, malasana

Upper Back Preparation Leading to Back Arches (Part2 of Back Arches Weekend Intensive)


Progressing to further exploration of back arches, as preparation to seated breath work.  Focussing on the upper back – the dorsal thoracic area  – in back arches.

This session is part of the Short Course ‘Standing to Back Arches (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level:  Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Total duration: 240min (two sessions of 120 min each)

Tagwords: 120min, dorsal thoracic, upper back, shoulders, standing, utthita hasta padangusthasana, bhekasana, purvottanasana, dhanurasana, parsva dhanurasana

Using Arms and Legs to Align Hips and Shoulders in a Seated and Supine Practice


A series of quiet asanas in seated and supine positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk: broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs broaden the lower half of the back and practicing upper arms broaden the upper back.

Level: Gentle, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, quiet, long holds, arms, shoulders, legs, hips, seated, supine, supta padangusthasana1, supta padangusthasan2, supta padangusthasana3, janu sirsasana, savasana

Using Arms and Legs to Align Hips and Shoulders in a Standing Practice


A series of quiet asanas in seated and standing positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk: broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs broaden the lower half of the back and practicing upper arms broaden the upper back.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, quiet, long holds, arms, shoulders, legs, hips, seated, supine, viraasana, supta virasana, ardha chandrasana, janu sirsasana, savasana

Utkatasana Deep Dive for Experienced Beginners – Healthy Actions for Flat Foot and Varicose Veins


Exploring some direct and indirect relationships of the feet, the back, the arms, to this versatile foundational asana: Utkatasana.

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, ankles, shins, calves, varicose veins, flat foot, dropped arch, sports, standing, utkatasana, adhomukha svanasana, ustrasana

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