31 Jul Hip Connection to Back and to Legs Reinforced Hip bones are connected to femur bones (thigh bone) forming the primary connection between the bones of the lower limb and the axial sk... Continue reading
31 Jul Exploration of Breath in Different Supported Asana Positions The concept of the Prana is difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain. What can be said with certainty is that: the b... Continue reading
30 Jul Dynamic Weight Bearing and Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees: Exploration through Utkatasana Weight Bearing and Dynamic Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees Duration: 75min; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate This reco... Continue reading
30 Jul Strengthening the Weak Underbelly of the Arms: The Triceps A regular practice of inversions is believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It's a... Continue reading
30 Jul Breath Supporting Arm Actions to Lift up to Inversions A regular practice of inversions is believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It's a... Continue reading
30 Jul Long Holds in Supported Positions Holding an Asana for a long period of time lets the effect of the Asana 'seep' in. However, many times we are not able to hold an Asan... Continue reading
30 Jul Abdominal Actions in Twists Often we do not engage the supportive soft tissue surrounding the spinal cord and this result in hardening of these tissues, muscle and... Continue reading
29 Jul Connecting Shoulderblades to Back Ribs for Back Arches and Twists Focus: The chest should feel expansive, light, spacious - in and outside of the Asana position. This is not achieved by simply thrustin... Continue reading
29 Jul Sacrum as the Fulcrum: Transition From Back Arches to Forward Extensions Sacrum (or the Sacral region), is towards the base of the spine, below the lumbar and above the tailbone (coccyx). Anatomically, these... Continue reading
29 Jul Sacrum as the Fulcrum: Back Arches, Forward Extensions, Forward Extensions, Culminating in Viparita Karani Sacrum (or the Sacral region), is towards the base of the spine, below the lumbar and above the tailbone (coccyx). Anatomically, these... Continue reading