
Showing 61–72 of 73 results

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Experienced Beginner)

Original price was: ₹1,996.00.Current price is: ₹1,497.00.

Feet have the dual role of having to bear body weight, and also of controlling movement complexity.  The sessions in this Short Course address both these aspects of flexibility, and strength, building up ‘dynamic stability’.

Tagwords: feet, ankles, toes, sports, running, drills, CARS, standing, calves, shins, therapy, plantar fascities, bone spurs, varicose veins, sports, favorite, Garudasana, Utkatasana, Ardha chandrasana

Stable Shoulders and Pranayama Hybrid


 Shoulder stability in inverted and weight bearing positions, shoulder mobility in dynamic actions,  transitioning into supine pranayama.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60mins, shoulders, shoulder blades, breath, favorite, adhomukha svanssana, sirsasana, setubandha sarvangasana, prasarita padottanasana, pranayama

Stretch in Back Thighs (Hamstrings) for Healthy Back



Finding length in hamstrings in supported positions

Duration: 90 mins.

Tag words: 90 mins, back, hamstrings, props, standing, twisting, supine, Supta padangusthasana, prasarita padottanasana, viparitakarani, parivrtta trikonasana, parsvottanasana, uttanasana, upavistakonasana, 

Supta Virasana as Preparation for Advanced Back Arches – Kapotasana, Eka pada rajakapotasana


This session is an advanced progression from Supta virasana.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 80mins

Tagwords: 80mins, virasana, knees, hips, ankles, backbends, backarches, props, supported, virabhadrasana1, supta virasana, viparita dandasana, purvottanasana, parsva sarvangasana

Transitioning Towards a Quiet Practice: Beginner Level

  • This session starts actively, directs attention towards the breath, and then culminates in some quiet positions.
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 60mins
  • Tagwords: 60mins, standing, dynamic

Twist with Ease

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Twists done gradually and gently where they feel more like turning and revolving, rather than ‘twisting’.   Done like this, they have a very different effect on the physiology and the psychology.

This recording is discounted – apologies about the poor video quality in the first half hour

Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle, Intermediate

Duration: 60 min

Tagwords: 60mins, twists, supine, sports, parivrtta, favorite

Using Arms and Legs to Align Hips and Shoulders in a Standing Practice


A series of quiet asanas in seated and standing positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk: broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs broaden the lower half of the back and practicing upper arms broaden the upper back.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, quiet, long holds, arms, shoulders, legs, hips, seated, supine, viraasana, supta virasana, ardha chandrasana, janu sirsasana, savasana

Using Asanas to Prepare for a Pranayama


A supported but energetic practice is used to prepare for experience of the breath in supported back arches

level: Gentle

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, respiratory system, pranayama, adhomukha svanasana, virabhadrasana2, supta padangusthasana1, supta padangusthasana2, setubandha sarvangasana, restorative, breath, props, standing, supine

Varicose Veins Prevention and Knee Health: Activating Leg Muscles Through Extending and Squeezing


Muscular actions to fortify the knee joint and prevent varicose veins.

Duration: 75min; Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: knee, knee alignment, knee therapy, knee health, seated, standing, ardha chandrasana, hips, hamstrings, circulation, calf, calves, supta padanguthasana1, virasana, baddhakonasana, varicose veins, 75min, favorite

Viparita Karani Deep Dive – The Serenity of the Inverted Lake (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)

Original price was: ₹3,196.00.Current price is: ₹2,397.00.

Viparita karani, Halasana, Upavistakonasana: Independent and Supported


 Active standing asanas, followed by Setubandha sarvangasana, Viparita karani:  independent and supported

Duration: 75 min; Level: Intermediate

This session is part of the short Course Two Bolster Magic; Course 1: Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches and Inversions using ‘Cross Bolsters’.  Save by renting the entire Course

Tagwords: 75min, props, back arches, backbends, supported back bends, cross bolsters, wrists, Viparita karani, Halasana, Upavista konasana

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