
Showing 49–54 of 54 results

Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part1: Preparing with Standing Asanas, Basic Twists in Standing and Using Chair


Beginning with standing asanas, this session prepares the body by introducing the basic concepts of twists in simple seated and standing positions.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 120min.

This session is part of the Short Course Twisting Actions (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the full course.

Tagwords: 120min, arms, shoulders, spine, frozen shoulder, props, supported, chair, sports, standing, twists, paschima hasta, chair bharadvajasana

Using Arms and Legs to Align Hips and Shoulders in a Standing Practice


A series of quiet asanas in seated and standing positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk: broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs broaden the lower half of the back and practicing upper arms broaden the upper back.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, quiet, long holds, arms, shoulders, legs, hips, seated, supine, viraasana, supta virasana, ardha chandrasana, janu sirsasana, savasana

Using Simple Props in Standing Asanas


A good opportunity for beginner level practitioners to get acquainted with such props, and to experiment not just with the standardised yoga props’, but with things that they might have lying around their home – blankets, books, low stool etc.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration; 40 min

Tagwords: 40mins, props, standing

Utkatasana Deep Dive for Experienced Beginners – Healthy Actions for Flat Foot and Varicose Veins


Exploring some direct and indirect relationships of the feet, the back, the arms, to this versatile foundational asana: Utkatasana.

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, ankles, shins, calves, varicose veins, flat foot, dropped arch, sports, standing, utkatasana, adhomukha svanasana, ustrasana

Virabhadrasana1 – Firmness and Confidence in the Legs to Proceed Further


Meant for a beginner level student who has attempted this Virabhadrasana 1 a few times, and is ready to look at the moving parts of this layered position.

Level –  Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration – 40min

Part1 of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner) Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 40min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1

Virabhadrasana1: The Twist and the Backarch in the Standing Asana


This session is a combination of standing asanas done dynamically, twisting actions, and back arches.

Level –  Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner)and Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate).  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, back arch, twist, Utkatasana, Parsvottanasana, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1

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