Showing 1–9 of 12 results

Breath Supporting Arm Actions to Lift up to Inversions


In this session we strengthen the spine and practice headstand and shoulderstand

Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate and Gentle

Duration – 75 min session.

This session is part of the Short Course Arms that Power Upside-down Asanas: Preparing the Arms for Effortlessness in Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance (Course Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, upper back, elbows, wrist, Tadasana, adhomukhasvanasana, urdhva hastasana, utthita hasta padasana, paschima hastasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana

Brisk Back Arches and Inversions


An invigorating and energising short session of back arches and inversions

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 45min

Tagwords: 45mins, back arches, backbends, urdhvamukha svanasana, ustrasana, bhujangasana, halasana, parsva halasana, supta konasana, sarvangasana

Dandasana Part2: Taking the L-Shape Upside Down to Connect Arms, Legs, Spine and Abdomen


Dandasana is one of the foundational seated positions. But this seemingly simple position teaches us very important lessons about making connections between the limbs, and the spine and abdomen. In this session, we play with the ‘L’  shape of Dandasana in various orientations – in inversions, and even an arm balance.

This session maybe done stand-alone, but we recommend you do it in combination with the recording Urdhva Hasta Dandasana Part 1: Legs and Spine Connections

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, legs, spine, arms, shoulders, upper back, elbows, favorite, sports,  sirsasana, salamba sirsasana2, urdhva dandasana, uttanasana, pinca mayurasana, eka hasta bhujasana

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana 1 (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)

Original price was: ₹2,097.00.Current price is: ₹1,572.00.

Virabhadrasana1 is a basic standing asana with many moving parts. It has traces of forward extensions, backward arch and twist. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of Virabhadrasana1 in this set of classes.

Tagwords: shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, seated, abdominals, back arch, lateral, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1, Utkatasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part2 for Beginners: Arms/ Shoulder Actions and Inversions


We start the first 2 sessions in this Short Course with a more generic segment that sensitises/ activates/ warms-up the focus area – the thoracic area comprising the front, back and the sides.  The second segment of the session (starting 25th minute) goes into positions and actions that specifically benefit in case of respiratory discomfort.  In this session we are covering head-down positions that also serve as alternatives to inversions.

This session is part if the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, (Short Course, Level Experienced Beginners).   Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins., covid, respiratory health, therapy, props, supports, respiratory illness, breath, lungs, prone, supported seated, prone proning, yoga for covid, favorite, inversions, adhomukha svanasana, prasarita padottanasana, prone savasana

Parsvakonasana to Viparitakarani – Preparation for Breath Explorations


This session explores some lateral/ side-body actions, followed by a deeply restful Viparitakarani, and ending with breath-work

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, back, upper back, thoracic, chest, dorsal thoracic, breath, pranayama, spiral breath, props, supported, standing, side body,  inversions, multiple asana categories, parsvakonasana, parighasana, viparitakarani

Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists, Abdominals and Inversions: Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Eka pada setubandha sarvangasana


Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions, standing twists and inversions

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 75min

This recording is part of the Short Course Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate).  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 75min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, twists, abdominals, lateral, favorite, back arch, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana,Virabhadrasana1, Eka Pada Setubandha Sarvangasana

Relief from Abdominal Heaviness after Feasting (Level Intermediate)


A sequence to relieve abdominal heaviness/sluggishness, this is a mix of active and passive positions.

level: Intermediate

Duration: 60 min

This recording is part of the Short Course Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series 1 (Level Intermediate).  Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: 60min, digestion, abdomen, abdominal, supported, props, supine, supta padangusthasana2,  supta padangusthasana3, supta virasana, supta baddhakonasana, setubandha sarvangasana, Jathara Parivartanasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana.


Salamba Sirsasana 2 With Supports to Stabilise Shoulders


A quietly done session of Salamba Sirsasan2 shown with shoulder supports..  Builds up on the work of upper back/shoulder blade region in the previously recorded sessions that are suggested as accompaniments to this session

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 5omin

Tagwords: 50mins, shoulders, arms, wrists, inversions,  salamba sirsasan2, Sarvangasana