23 Feb Question, asana-specific (video): Foot slipping down the wall in Utthita hasta Padangusthasana Why does my foot slip down the wall in Utthita hasta padangusthasana?Tagwords: q&a, utthita hasta padangusthasana Continue reading
23 Feb Question, generic (Video): Clarification about some unusual elbow actions My upper arm started shaking when i attempted to hold the block between the elbowstag words: q&a, elbows, upper arms, shoulder Continue reading
23 Feb Questions, asana-specific (video): Use of Supports/ Props when feeling uncomfortable in Virasana In Virasana, If I feel some discomfort (but not pain), should I or should I not use supports/ props?Tagwords: q&a, Virasana Continue reading
23 Feb Question, asana-specific (video): pinching sensation in the lower back in Virabhadrasana1 In Virabhadrasana1, my lumbar (lower), I feel a ‘pinching’ at the lower backTagwrods: q&a, Virabhadrasana1, lower back, lumbar Continue reading
23 Feb Question, asana-specific (Video): Discomfort on Parsvakonasana In Parsvakonansana, I feel pressure/ pain on the front leg knee, and feel clenching of the waist on the side of the from legTagwords: q... Continue reading
23 Feb Question, Asana-specific (Video): Should my chest stay lifted when I take the final position of Prasarita padottanasana? Should my chest stay lifted when I take the final position of Prasarita padottanasana?Tagwords: q&a, prasarita padottanasana Continue reading
23 Feb Question, Asana-specific (Video): What if there is pain/ discomfort when I try to grasp the hands to each other in gomukhasana? What if there is pain/ discomfort when I try to grasp the hands to each other in gomukhasana?Tagwords: q&a, gomukhasana, shoulders Continue reading
23 Feb Question, Generic (video): Headstand (Sirsasana) Increasing Holding Time How do I stay longer in Sirsasana (headstand)?What are your thoughts on learning Headstand through online classes? Continue reading
23 Feb Question, Asana-specific (Video): Head Position in Adhomukha svanasana In Adhomukha svanasana, if it feels uncomfortable to take the head down or to keep the head hanging, can I always keep my head supporte... Continue reading
23 Feb Question, Asana-specific (Video): In Half handstand, what if I am not able to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape? In half handstand, What if I am not able to maintain the feet position (on the wall), and the hand position (on the floor) to maintain ... Continue reading