The use of ‘props’ is one of the hallmarks of the Iyengar system of Asana practice. Props are not used merely to make Asanas, ‘easier’ (although they do often make positions easier to access especially for the elderly, those in a weakened states, or when attempting particularly complex Asanas). They can be used to make the experience of the Asana much richer, helping us penetrate deeper and experience actions that otherwise might not have been possible. In fact, props ought to be used with great discretion, with a purpose, and not merely to introduce ‘variety’.
This session uses a few props in the simples of the standing Asanas. This is a good opportunity for beginner level practitioners to get acquainted with such props, and to experiment not just with the standardised yoga props’, but with things that they might have lying around their home – blankets, books, low stool etc.