If you feel frustrated at not being able to bend forwards, it may not just be stiffness in the back, the ‘length’ of the hamstring is crucial in all forward flexions, and in maintaining back health. It is no surprise that ‘hamstrung’ means ‘ to be made ineffective’. The Hamstrings are a group of three muscles that connect to the hip on the top end and to the knee on the bottom end. They are some of the largest muscle groups in the body and involved in all large movements of the leg – including the simple act of walking. Hamstrings have to be strong to effectively do their job of moving the bulk of the body. But in order to leverage their full potential, they also have to be ‘long’. ‘Tight’ hamstrings benefit from all ‘stretching’ actions. But to truly leverage the potential of the hamstrings, we have to access, not just the middle, but the very ends of the hamstrings.
This session uses supports to hold Asanas for longer duration, giving chance to the hamstrings to passively lengthen, instead of being pulled and jerked