Asana and Pranayama practice at a Gentle pace, done with supports.
The Silvers+ Gentle batch can be challenging and rigorous.
Mondays – 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Thursday – 9:30 am to 11:00 am
Why Iyengar Yoga for the elderly?
In a world filled with choices, the elderly have only limited options for activities that are physically, mentally, and emotionally fulfilling. Yoga, which has the potential to fill this need, often falls short – most yoga programs are not tailored for the elderly.
Unlike many other traditions, Iyengar yoga offers innumerable ways of changing the practice to be most effective for the student. Mr Iyengar left behind a methodology whereby the elderly can practice safely, confidently, enthusiastically – by using various kinds of supports. The use of ‘props’ in Iyengar yoga opens up an infinite number of opportunities for the elderly to explore, learn and benefit from yoga.
Have any studies been done to support the benefits of Iyengar Yoga for the elderly?
A 12-Week Iyengar Yoga Program Improved Balance and Mobility in Older Community-Dwelling People: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial – The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 68, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 1068–1075, Published: 02 July 2013
Effect of a gentle Iyengar yoga program on gait in the elderly: an exploratory study on the effects of an 8 week Iyengar program to improve age-related changes in hip extension, stride length, and associated indices of gait function in healthy elders, changes that have been linked to increased risk for falls, dependency, and mortality in geriatric populations, Published: September, 2005,
The Impact of a Short-Term Iyengar Yoga Program on the Health and Well-Being of Physically Inactive Older Adults; International Journal of Yoga Therapy, September, 2011.
At the Practice Room, how do classes in the Silvers + Gentle Batch differ from 'General' classes?
At the Practice Room we have been working with senior citizens consistently over the last many years. Our Silvers + Gentle Group is made up of a group of sincere, engaged, and wise elders who are an integral part of our student community. We recognise and respect their achievements and experiences, and try to teach them in a way that does not dumb-down the subject. We have found their consistency, their ability to grasp the nuances of the subject, to appreciate the benefits of their pracitce, is often is better than younger people. The senior citizens are introduced to all categories of asanas, at a slower pace, and with more support.
We use the following approach in the Silvers + Gentle Batch:
- With age, activity reduces. The muscles and joints become weak, and arthritic conditions set in. It is a vicious cycle that leads to pain, limited mobility, and loss in confidence. We work on strengthening the limbs, to increase mobility, reduce pain, and improve confidence.
We work on strengthening the internal organs like heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, which improves the physiological functioning, and control chronic age-related diseases like blood pressure, cholesterol etc.
As a next step, we introduce challenging asanas like back arches and inversions with support. These asanas not only have powerful physiological effects, but also give a sense of achievement and elation.
When the body is sufficiently prepared, pranayama is introduced for its deeper effects on the psyche.
Would you like to meet some of our silver-haired yogis?
Meet some of our silver haired yogis in these videos:
Who should join our Silvers + Gentle Batch?
There is no minimum age, neither is there a maximum age for admittance to this batch. The age of participants in our Silvers + Gentle group ranges from 55 to 85 years. However, you have to be able to move around independently, so that you can, pick up, arrange, and put back your prop supports.
In addition to the elderly students, this batch is also beneficial for anyone (of any age) who would benefit for a gentle practice. This includes :
- people recovering from long illness
- people recovering from injury/ surgery
- those suffering from chronic conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylosis etc.
We have often used this space as a transitionary practice for people in the above categories, before they move on to our more strenuous and active classes in the Foundation and Consolidation levels.
What is the admission process for the Silvers + Gentle Batch?
The Silvers + Gentle Batch meets twice in a week, for 90 minutes each time. In order to ensure that the instructor is able to pay adequate attention to all participants, the group size of our Silvers + Gentle Batch is limited. If you are interested in joining this batch, First, take a look at the details of the times and fees Here.
Next, Call or email us so we can set up a meeting