The last 3 sessions have been a preparation for this: quiet, long holds in seated and inverted forward extensions. The power of asanas manifests only once one stays in them for sufficiently long time. In the case of forward extensions, what manifests is extreme quietness and inward-liness.
This is an audio-video hybrid session. It is one of our favorite formats because it gives the eyes an opportunity to switch off from the device.
The first part of the session prepares for forward extensions through active twists and dorsal thoracic engagement. We repeat and reinforce the shoulder blade action from the previous session, and also use a belt to get a sharp awareness. The second part of the session is in audio mode for a quiet experience of seated forward extensions and a supported Halasana. The first half of the session demonstrates these positions. In the second half, the practitioner is expected to know the names of the asanas, as this last part of the session will have minimal positional cues, and is meant to give us an opportunity to embrace the quietness of the forward extension, and th play of breath in this position.