Showing all 11 results

Abdominal Actions in Twists


This session explores the relationship between abdominal organs and twisting actions, primarily through revolved and standing and supine positions, using the arm actions as a moving agency

Level –  Intermediate

Duration – 90 min

Tagwords: 90min, Parivrtta trikonasana, Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Jathara, parivartanasana, supta padangustasana 3, pavanmuktasana, marichyasana1, sarvangasana with chair

Beyond Squatting to Arm Balances and Inversions


This session goes beyond malasana (the squatting position), to integrating the ‘softness’ of the groins into arm balances and basic inversions (including a deliciously quiet supported sarvangasana with chair)

Duration: 90min

Level: Intermediate

This Recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Course level: Intermediate) 

Short Course #1 for Squatting Health and Malasana (Course Level: Suitable for all levels)

Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag-words: malasana, tittibhasana, groins, groin injury, cycling, walking, arm balance, sirsasana, chair sarvangasana, sports, soccer, football, inner thigh, adductors

Chaturanga dandasana to Marichyasana – Connecting Through Shoulders


This session starts with strong actions on the shoulders with different arm positions, and  it culminates to a quiet practice of twists.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 75mins

Tagwords: 75mins, shoulders, arms, wrists, chaturanga dandasana, marichyasana1, bharadvajasana, sirsasana, 

Forward Extensions: 
The Essential Intermediate Stages


The Intermediate positions of the four seated forward extensions that enrich Paschimottanasana

Duration: 75 mins.

This session is part of Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  and also the Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: 75min, forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, Vrksasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Dandasana, Padangustha dandasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana with chair

Seated Forward Extensions: Culminating at the Final Positions


The final positions of the four seated forward extensions that enrich Paschimottanasana

Duration: 75 mins.

This session is part of Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying this entire Course

Tag words: 75min, forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, standing balancing, Akarna dhanurasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sirsasana, Sirsasana variation

Seated Forward Extensions: Supported Positions for a Quiet Practice


The final positions of the seated forward extension, done with support

Duration: 75 mins.

This session is part of Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  and also the Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Gentle).  Save by buying the entire Course.

Tag words: 75min, forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, Uttanasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana with chair

Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Seated Asanas – from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course, Experienced Beginners, Intermediate)


Tagwords: forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, standing balancing, Vrksasana, Parsvottanasana, Chaturana dandasana, Padangusthasana, Pada hastasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Dandasana, Padangustha dandasana, Urdhva hasta, Utkatasana, Malasana, Supta padangusthasana, Akarna dhanurasana, Ubhaya padangusthasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sirsasana, Sirsasana variation, Uttanasana,

Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Seated Asanas – from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course, Level: Gentle)


Tag words: forward extensions, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, arms, standing balancing, Vrksasana, Parsvottanasana, Padangusthasana, Pada hastasana, Parivrtta janu sirsasana, Dandasana, Padangustha dandasana, Urdhva hasta, Utkatasana, Malasana, Supta padangusthasana, Ubhaya padangusthasana, Janu sirsasana, Trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, Ardha padma paschimottanasana, Marichyasana1, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana with chair, Uttanasana

Short Course #1 for Squatting Health and Malasana (Short Course; All levels)


Malasana is the fundamental forward extension, and understanding its various parts prepare us for the deeper forward extending actions, as well as for arm balancings.


Use of Abdomen in Supported Twists


This session focusses on integrating abdominal actions in seated twists.

This recording is part of the Short Course Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series 1 (Level Gentle).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 50mins

Tagwords: 50mins, abdominals, abdomen, core, abdominal toning, twists, props, supported, favorite, bharadvajasana, marichyasana1, marichyasana3

Using a Yoga Strap to Prepare for Forward Bends


Using a simple prop: a yoga belt/ strap, to prepare the back for forward extensions.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle

Duration: 90 mins.

Tag words: 90mins, props, supine twists, utthita hasta padangusthasana, krounchasana, trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, marichyasana1, paschimottanasana, suptapadangustasana3