Showing all 3 results

Arm Balancing Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part 2- Arm balance followed by breath work


Using the concepts of foundational asana to transition to unsupported and final positions of arm balancing.

Duration: 120min; Level: Intermediate

This recording is part of the  Arm Balancing Weekend Intensive 2-part Short Course. Save by renting the entire Course.

Tag-words: wrist, arm, abdominals, parsvakonasana, tolasana, adhomukha vrksasana, full arm balance, eka hasta bhujasana, sirsasana with chair, bhujapidasana, 

Role of Shoulders and Arms in Back Arches (level Exp Beginner)


Exploring the full range of shoulder movements, delving deeper into role of arms in backward extensions.

level: Experienced Beginner, Beginner

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, upper back, shoulder, arm, sports, standing, back arches

Role of Shoulders and Arms in Back Arches Leading to Viparita dandasana (level Intermediate)


Exploring the full range of shoulder movements, delving deeper into role of arms in backward extensions.

level: Intermediate

Duration: 75min

Tagwords: 75min, upper back, shoulder, arm, sports, standing, back arches, viparita dandasana