Showing all 5 results

Fixing Arms in Place for Gentle Anantasana and Vasistasana Adaptations


Often, there is more focus on moving the arms, pushing or pulling with the arms.  This session explores the hidden power in fixing the arms in place  – this stabilises the shoulders and indeed, the entire upper back –  in standing asanas, and works up towards bearing weight on the shoulders and arms.

Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 90min

Tagwords: 90mins, side body, lateral, shoulders, upper back, arms, anantasana, vasistasana

Salamba Sirsasana2: Preparation through Understanding the Shoulders and Shoulderblades


Salamba Sirsasana2.  But also, U=understanding the shoulder and shoulderblades actions separately not just prepares us for the more complex asanas, it helps us to target the specific areas for the health of the upper back-shoulder complex.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 90min

Tagwords: 90mins, shoulders, shoulderbades, upper back, sports, dorsal thoracic, CARS, inversions, headstand, gomukhasana, sirsasana, salamba sirsasan2, niralamba sarvangasana, karnapidasana

Strengthening and Firming Shoulders and Shoulder Blades: Preparation for Sirsasana (Headstand)


Sirsasana preparation..  But also, understanding the shoulder and shoulderblades actions separately not just prepares us for the more complex asanas, it helps us to target the specific areas for the health of the upper back-shoulder complex.

Level: Experienced Beginners

Duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60mins, shoulders, shoulderbades, upper back, sports, dorsal thoracic, CARS, inversions, headstand, gomukhasana, sirsasana, salamba sirsasana, setubandha sarvangasana

The Armpits: Waking up the Dark Corners in Backward Extensions


Shedding light on the back of the armpits in back arches

Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 90 mins.

Tag words: 90mins, shoulders, shoulder, back, back arches, backbends, shoulder traction, urdhvamukha svanasana, utkatasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana parsva, urdhva hastasana

Using a Yoga Strap to Prepare for Forward Bends


Using a simple prop: a yoga belt/ strap, to prepare the back for forward extensions.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle

Duration: 90 mins.

Tag words: 90mins, props, supine twists, utthita hasta padangusthasana, krounchasana, trianga mukha eka pada paschimottanasana, marichyasana1, paschimottanasana, suptapadangustasana3