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‘Side’ Body Explorations Part1: Parighasana, Trikonasana, Vasistasana


In the asana vocabulary, there are many positions and actions that take awareness to the side body.  This starts with the simplest of actions – raising the arms overhead or sideways, and then extends to the simplest asanas taught to beginners – the lateral standing asanas. This lead towards Vasistasana.

There is some disturbance in the audio quality in the first 10 mins of this recording.  We apologise for the inconvenience, and have marked down this recording for this reason.

This session is part of the Short Course Not Front, Not Back, On the Side: Exploration of the Lateral Body (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 50 min.

Tagwords: 50mins, side body, lateral, shoulders, upper back, arms, parighasana, vasistasana, trikonasana

Arms and Shoulder Connections: Anantasana, Vasistasana


Arms and their connection to the shoulders: preparation for anantasana and vasistasana 

This session is part of the Short Course Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginner), and

the short Course Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level Intermediate)  Save by buying the whole Course.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 50min

Tagwords: 50mins, favorite, sports, shoulders, elbows, lateral, side body,  anantasana, vasistasana

Introduction to Supta Baddhakonansana


Building up on the active work done in rolling the thighs out, we continue to one of the most accessible restorative positions: supta baddhakonasana, including the use of simple ‘props’ to support this position.  This is one of the essential positions that women should know for reproductive health.  Breath studies (progressing to pranayama) are often introduced in supta baddhakonasana.

This session is part of the Short Course Baddhakonasana and Supta Baddhakonasana: for Physiological and Emotional Benefits (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner/ Beginner)

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration: 50min

Tagwords: 50mins, women, womens health, urinary health, reproductive health, supta baddhakonasana, supine, thigh external rotation, thigh, hips, hip joint, hip mobility

Salamba Sirsasana 2 With Supports to Stabilise Shoulders


A quietly done session of Salamba Sirsasan2 shown with shoulder supports..  Builds up on the work of upper back/shoulder blade region in the previously recorded sessions that are suggested as accompaniments to this session

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 5omin

Tagwords: 50mins, shoulders, arms, wrists, inversions,  salamba sirsasan2, Sarvangasana

Seated Virasana with Preparation and Adaptations


Virasana, and its extensions into Supta Virasana, are excellent conditioners of lower limbs.  Supta virasana is often used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions, and is also a preparation for back arches.  Difficulty in Virasana can be due to limitation at the hip joint, length of the hamstrings, stiffness in the knee, shortness and hardness of the calves or stiffness in the ankles .
first half of the session: Preparatory asanas/actions
second half of the session: detailed explanation, along with adaptations for the most common limitations.

This session is part of the Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginner) and Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices ( Short Course; Level Intermediate)

Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

Duration: 50min

Tagwords: 50mins, running, trekking, sports, knee, hips, ankles, favorite, virasana

Use of Abdomen in Supported Twists


This session focusses on integrating abdominal actions in seated twists.

This recording is part of the Short Course Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series 1 (Level Gentle).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 50mins

Tagwords: 50mins, abdominals, abdomen, core, abdominal toning, twists, props, supported, favorite, bharadvajasana, marichyasana1, marichyasana3